有些高校的大学课程会要求申请者学习特定的A-Level课程,并取得相应的成绩,如果学生成绩未达到要求,是没有资格申请的。例如:Pharmacy(药剂学):必选课是Chemistry,再加Biology,Maths,Physics中的至少一门;English(英语):通常需要English literature,也可以是English literature and language或者English language;Geology/Earth...
因为内容广泛,以数学推理为基础,并结合理论和实践,所以A-Level物理算是出了名的难学。 这门课程普遍受到大学的高度重视,偏重于培养学生广泛的可转移技能,为工程学、天文学、医学、计算机科学,当然还有物理学本身的诸多学科提供了进一步的研究基础。 Maths 数学 2023年A*率:16.5% A-Level 数学也被认为是最具挑战性...
The A-Level Biology App. This app helps you revise and monitor your progress for the A-Level biology examination. The app contain 1000+ questions from all topi…
A-level物理主要包括力学、热学、波学、电磁学、量子物理、核物理、粒子物理等部分。它要求学生具备良好的数学基础和逻辑思维能力,能够应用数学知识解决物理问题。 No.1 进阶数学|Further Maths 进阶数学是A-level数学的延伸,主要包含更深层次的纯数学和力...
> Standard Test(标准考试) > 英国CGP A-Level Biology: Essential Maths Skills 中商原版 中商童书旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.6 中 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 英国CGP A-Level Biology: Essential Maths Skills 中商原版 ...
questions physics questions chemistry questions biology questions maths questions science questions gk questions commerce questions english questions online tuition home tuition full forms general full forms physics full forms chemistry full forms biology full forms educational full forms banking full forms ...
A-Level questions in Maths are particularly hard, because you’ll often just get the question or equation, with no paragraph to explain any context. This means it’s just you and the knowledge you’ve (hopefully!) absorbed up against an exam question – there are no clues or hints like ...
Physics & Maths Tutor:提供AQA、Edexcel和OCR WJEC等考试板块的物理和数学解题方法、真题、复习笔记、Flashcard等丰富资源,无需注册,学生可以直接使用。 二、A-Level物理 A-Level物理的难度较大,尤其是在电学、力学和运动学等知识点上,不仅要求具备理科思维,还强调对概念的记忆。因此,答题时首先应深刻理解相关的物理...
A-level Biology exam questions test understanding and application more than factual recall. For this reason, many students find it a big change from what they were comfortable with at GCSE. Students need to understand why and how a biological process is occurring, rather than trying to rote-lea...
A-levelEnvironmental Science A-levelFilm Studies A-levelFurther Maths A-levelGeology A-levelHistory of Art A-levelLaw A-levelMedia Studies A-levelMedia Technology A-levell Philosophy A-levelPolitics A-levelStatistics IB可以选修哪...