2门A-Level得C以上 (推荐科目:Art, Art and Design, or Design and Technology) 伦敦传媒学院 伦敦传媒学院 平面设计 A-Level得C以上 (数量不限,推荐科目:Art and Design, Media) 伦敦大学学院 伦敦大学学院 建筑 3门A-Level得AAB以上 (科目不限,学校建议学科多样) ...
5. Art and design courses(艺术和设计类课程):例如音乐、美术、制陶; 6. Popularization of basic knowledge and skills(基本知识和技能普及类):例如商务学习、欧洲学习、一般研究等。 每所大学都会要求学生学习3门A Level(General Studies除外),这是获得Offer的基本条件,但是很多学生认为3门课程的竞争力比较低,所...
艺术与创意类:Art and Design、Photography、Drama and Theatre、Music、Textiles、Graphic Design、Media Studies、Film Studies 其他:Physical Education、Food Science、Statistics A-Level的学科种类繁多,涵盖了从科学、人文到语言和艺术的广泛领域。每个学科都有其独特的价值和技能培养点,建议学生根据自己的兴趣和未来规划...
目前,我校A-Level课程已开放数学、进阶数学、物理、会计、生物、化学、经济、艺术等9个学科,并计划未来逐步拓展。Our students focus on the International A-Level (IAL) courses in the second and third years. The Edexcel A-Level is recognized by universities in almost all English-speaking regions world...
The A Level courses offered by Limai international high school are in line with the characteristics of Chinese students and are easy to obtain high scores. Our courses are very rich, covering liberal arts, science, business, art, etc., so they will not limit students' future major choices. ...
Oxford Sixth Form College offers more than 20 different subjects for study at A-level. Explore the A-level subjects offered here.
The A Level courses offered by Limai international high school are in line with the characteristics of Chinese students and are easy to obtain high scores. Our courses are very rich, covering liberal arts, science, business, art, e...
2st Higher level and standard level courses-也就是我们的课程部分啦,根据课程难度分为高级(HL),及标准级(SL)。学生要从6大部分 study in language and literature(语言和文学),language acquisition(语言学),individuals and society(人文与社会),sciences(科学),mathematics(数学),art(艺术)每个部分中各选一个...
今年,哈罗上海公布了A-Level课程成绩,毕业班学生收获了卓越的成绩,哈罗上海也连续三年实现了70%以上的A*/A水平。祝贺哈罗上海的同学们! 哈罗上海2023 A-Level 成绩再创佳绩! They’ll be dreaming of vivid red buses, ancient college buildings and the best art schools in the world. The wonderful Year 13...
Below are some examples of other relevant A level subjects you could take. Some of these are very important for particular courses at Cambridge. An extra language Ancient History Classical Civilisation Economics Further Mathematics (if you are interested...