相比IB课程体系,A-Level不强调学生参加大量课外活动或论文写作。对于初升高阶段,希望进入国际体系的许多学生来说,A-Level课程应该是最容易上手的课程体系。最早A-Level课程从最基础的教学大纲、课程设置甚至考试出题都是分别由英国几个主要考试局全程设计并组织的。目前学生接触最多的是AQA, EDEXCEL(爱德思), CIE这...
我们以CIE A-level数学为例: 表格中的Component X就相当于单卷,以Component11为例,原始分数/卷面分满分(maximum raw mark available )是75,达到A等级需要卷面达到54,B等级46,按图中数据以此类推。 而且大家应该也注意到了,单个component是没有A*的...
该课程体系的教学大纲、课程设置及其考试分别由英国四个主要考试局 Cambridge International Examinations, 简称CIE, Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations 简称OCR, Assessment and Qualifications Alliance 简称AQA 和EDEXCEL等设计并组织,其权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可。迄今为止,全球已有5000多个教育机构开设了英国高中课...
如果想把音乐作为一个学科,未来追求艺术梦想,如果对A-Level音乐感兴趣,可以私信小助手咨询文蓝A-Level音乐课程: 我们有优质的A-Level音乐老师,是牛津AQA的官方认证考试中心! Maths数学 虽然数学是最受欢迎学科之一,但由于涉及大量的概念,它也是最...
We also provide guidance on career options with A-Level Physics. Does TutorChase provide A-Level Physics past papers practice? Yes, TutorChase provides past paper practice across A-Level Physics. A few examples include: CIE A-Level Physics past papers AQA A-Level Physics past papers Edexcel A...
It’s no secret that A-Level Chemistry is extremely hard. If you struggled with GCSE Chemistry, it is highly recommended that you don’t do this subject at A Level, as it is a massive step up from GCSE. With AQA Chemistry, you’ll take two papers. These are split into Physical, Org...
数学,最受A-Level学生欢迎 高数,选科人数最少,A*率最高 社会学,在所有热门Alevel科目中A*率最低...
Spanish Tuition Singapore-Cambridge GCE O Level & A Level Tuition Specialized tutoring for Singapore’s GCE O-Level and A-Level curriculum Our Accreditations We are proud to be the first and only fully accredited online school based in Singapore. This prestigious accreditation ensures we adhere to...
CIE A-Level Maths past papers Edexcel A-Level Maths past papers AQA A-Level Maths past papers Hire a tutor Please fill out the form and we'll find a tutor for you I am a parentI am a student Full nameCountry China Afghanistan