当然前提是所有概念及知识点熟练度高,刷past paper很大程度上是帮我理思路的。 5. 申请 我的timeline: • 十月中旬开始准备 • 十一月末提交ucas • 3.20收到LSE offer 确定了想往商科方向发展后,LSE就成为了最吸引我的学校。而我申请management也是因为这个专业学的很多,学的很杂——accounting、finance、ma...
根据QS的最新调查,其中准留学生有53%选择了delay也就是gap一年再出国,如果海外疫情持续不结束的话,明年入学的名额将有一半被上一届保留。 除此之外,看着AP和IB学子相继出分,而A-level学生本次5、6月份的考试只能用于预录取的申请,大部分的学生为了拼分后拿到一个high A都选择10月份的重考。 所以暑假的AL学生一...
How to reply with someone is not available. I'm afraid is not on the level of available at the moment. This line is busy when the extension request is being used. Mr. Jackson isn't in. Mr. Jackson is out of at the moment. Leaving a message. Could I leave a message for? Would ...
* All the below past papers are copyrighted © University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which we have collected from various online sources and gathered together in one website Learn how to readthecodes inCIE past papers:Complete guide to CIE codes Directory Accounting – 97...
Past Paper OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level .c rs om 9706/01 May/June 2008 1 hour ACCOUNTING Paper 1 Multiple Choice Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB ...
Dr. Usman is a key member of the Core Research Team of the School of Accounting, Xijing University. He has also been awarded with High Level Talent Funds from Xijing University. Notably, Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) ...
assetaegisaccommodate assets accounting assets integration assets pledged as sec assetsliabilities asshur shall not save assign a value assign function keys assign rate assign redundant civi assign trend default assignation of busine assigned chanell assigned go to statem assigning designs at assigning tas...
allowanceaccounting allowance annual allowance charged to allowance for bad deb allowance for corrosi allowance for deficie allowance for deterio allowance for discoun allowance for family allowance for funds u allowance formula allowance for post se allowance for price d allowance for price i allowance...
Writing an accounting paper, you should keep in mind: The language. You’re writing for a particular audience, so you should choose a suitable level and style. If you need to explain basic principles, do it clearly, without complex terminology. But show that you have detailed topic knowledge...
数学,最受A-Level学生欢迎 高数,选科人数最少,A*率最高 社会学,在所有热门Alevel科目中A*率最低...