Another limitation is that we did not test a digital device, such as a word processor or smartphone, but used only papers. We believe the present disposal method can be generalised to a digital device, whereas empirical data are limited only by physical entities, papers, trash cans, or shred...
However, despite the classifiers presenting an expected behavior, the seizures were not predicted because the alarms were raised a few moments before the period defined as preictal. It led us to speculate that if we considered higher SOP values, the seizure could have been predicted. These ...
MitoProtII and Predotar predicted 21.5% (17/79) and 27.8% (22/79) proteins as mitochondrial in the 79 proteins with a ratio of PM:CM <1.0, respectively. Moreover, for the 79 proteins with a ratio of PM:CM <1.0, 55.7% (44/79) proteins have been predicted as nonmitochondrial by all...
Feb, 2024: PTv3 and PPT are accepted by CVPR'24, another two papers by our Pointcept team have also been accepted by CVPR'24 🎉🎉🎉. We will make them publicly available soon! Dec, 2023: PTv3 is released on arXiv, and the code is available in Pointcept. PTv3 is an efficient...
Furthermore, similar to the traditional retail industry, it was predicted that CGBPs tended to be located in highly populated (Simkin, 1990) and easily accessible areas (Mazze, 1972). Furthermore, the level of development of the regional retail industry was generally determined by GDP. The ...
Social media platforms have democratized the process of web content creation allowing mere consumers to become creators and distributors of content. But this has also contributed to an explosive growth of information and has intensified the online compet
At a high level, our incremental tuning strategy involves repeating the following four steps:Identify an appropriately-scoped goal for the next round of experiments. Design and run a set of experiments that makes progress towards this goal. Learn what we can from the results. Consider whether to...
In addition, dynamic rheological measurements showed that the addition of WBDF significantly enhanced the elasticity of fermented starch gels while slightly improving the mechanical strength, and 6% level of WBDF had the largest contribution. This study provides some data for the production of high ...
The Earth’s ionosphere affects the propagation of signals from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Due to the non-uniform coverage of available observations and complicated dynamics of the region, developing accurate models of the ionosphere
Article Open access 28 October 2023 Measuring linguistic complexity in Chinese: An information-theoretic approach Article Open access 30 July 2024 Larger and more instructable language models become less reliable Article Open access 25 September 2024 Language...