Company directors (1) Definition: (a) The board of directors is the elected representative of the shareholders acting collectively in the management of a company’s affairs. NB: One of the basic principles of company law is that the powers which the articles are given to them as a ...
and as ruler of the [...] 这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日 子的 精神 得 到普 遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日 图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占...
recognized by the posthumous award of a bravery medal by the Chief Executive. 在實際運作上,英勇 過人的行為被定為獲得行政長官追 授英 勇勳 章的行為。[...] Board may decide and the Board may confer upon him or them all or any of the powers of the Board...
Second, under “executive-led governance”, political parties in Hong Kong cannot be the primary entities governing Hong Kong. The person responsible for Hong Kong’s governance is the chief executive appointed by the cen...
Chapter III of the Act confers certain rights on Muslim wives at the receiving end of talaq. These rights – maintenance and custody – look awfully close to those to which a divorced woman might ordinarily be entitled. The Act, then, entrenches the very thing it purportedly seeks to disavow...
"My university - UC San Diego - has just announced a complete freeze on all faculty and staff hiring for the indefinite future. Our Executive Vice Chancellor cited financial uncertainty arising from potential federal funding cuts, which could account for a 10% budget shortfall for the campus." ...
Work practices have changed and businesses are facing new challenges including how to reorganise and maximise the use of their office space. Do any of the following issues apply to your business? My office isn’t large enough to accommodate everybody safely. ...
Function:topreventapersonnotaccepting appointmentasadirector,butusingtheirpositiontomanipulatetheboardofdirectors.Liability:maybetreatedasiftheyweredirectors.Fiduciaryduty.executivedirectors Performaspecificroleinacompanyunderaservicecontractrequiringregularinvolvementinmanagement Nonexecutivedirectors Managingdirector ...
Following the 165th session of the Executive Board (October 2002), at which a number of delegations called for an overall review of UNESCO prizes, the Director-Generalsetupaworkinggroup, chaired by the Deputy Director-General, in order to: (i) undertake a comprehensive review of all existing...
Where this Code confers powersorimposesduties upon the Chief Executive, he may delegate a principal official, the Director of the Chief Executive’s Office or Permanent Secretary of the Chief Executive’s Office, designated by name or by office, to exercise such powers or perform such duties on...