shia labeouf 772 votes crack the whip for adventure with the indiana jones franchise, featuring the iconic harrison ford as the fearless archaeologist. its exotic locales, gripping storylines, and non-stop action keep teenagers glued to their seats, creating a sense of exploration and discovery. re...
The JPL “is untouched by fire due to the brave dedication of our first responders. But our community has been very seriously impacted with over 150 JPLers who have lost their homes and many more displaced,” Laurie Leshin, director of the JPL,wrote in an X poston Friday. A JPL Faceboo...
A guy who works in state government told me the state’s population has now exceeded two million people. You can extrapolate that many smokes, and some are heavy users. There was a time when the angry pot-smoking would send me nasty emails after I wrote one of these pieces, but I ...
Some police departments do more than just ask. Police in Indiana, New Jersey, California and other states have offered discounts for Ring cameras, sometimes up to $125. In some cases, those discounts come from taxpayer money. "Part of the problem is that the public is financially subsidizing ...
NetflixStranger Things (2016 - Present)Stranger Things is an enthralling medley of horror, drama and nostalgia. Set in the 1980s in fictional small-town Indiana, residents begin experiencing a series of odd events, including the disappearance of a young boy, and begin to search for answers. ...
But this time, we are talking about the kind of gnomes that you generally see outside...Garden Gnomes. Like the Travelocity gnome.Get our free mobile app There is a town about 2 hours West of St. Cloud that has kind of cornered the market on Garden Gnomes....
Zealand because I love it there and visit occasionally. I picked about 10 locations I’ve been to in real life to verify how good they look now — after that, I went on a movie tour and visited places where they filmed “Indiana Jones,”“Lord of the Rings,” and “Out of Africa....
Episode 1: Wanda’s fashion in episode 1 “Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience” definitely is 50s influenced. Although the set design was very much The Dick Van Dyke Show, the dresses Wanda wears are not very Laura Petrie at all, although the character did wear them. Instead Wanda’s ...
In a shocking revelation, retired NFL lineman Michael Oher, whose rags-to-riches story was portrayed in the acclaimed 2009 movie "The Blind Side," has come forward with explosive allegations that the heartwarming narrative of his adoption from poverty by a wealthy, white family was a fabricated...
On the set of 'The Truman Show' in Seaside, Florida If you've ever seen the fake city where Jim Carrey's character lives in 1998's "The Truman Show," you might've assumed that the pastel, cartoonish city was entirely constructed for the film. However, it was mainly filmed in thereal...