前者并不是限定词,后者则是修饰语,没有了前后,自然也就不再有中位限定词这个概念,但限定词的搭配/连用还是存在的,但按照柯林斯,仅限于泛指限定词之间的搭配/连用,但柯林斯也没有明确的说,特指限定词和泛指限定词的搭配/连用,例如the other 或者the other few,是否也算,但大概率是不算的,这里...
The result of Bismarck’s decision of the year 1879 was that Germany took on the role of the revolutionary; that is to say, of a state whose position in relation to the rest of the world is that of a representative of a higher and more advanced economic system.[140]在Paul Lensch這樣的...