A Knight's Tale After his master dies, a peasant squire, fueled by his desire for food and glory, creates a new identity for himself as a knight. Cast information Crew information Company information News Box office Genre keyword rankings...
片中充满了冒险、爱情与友情,是一部值得一看的影片。 我这里有一份它的高清无删减的已完结完整版全集,点击[圣 战骑士 A Knight‘s Tale 2001.rmvb]来在线观看吧~
King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Camelot's Fortune Pack 1,99 € King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Painted Devils 4,99 € King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Rogues and Renegades 4,99 € Alle altre persone piacciono anche Mostra tutto Lost Eidolons 34,99 € Jagged Alliance 3 59,99 € Crown Wars:...
A Knight's Tale: Directed by Brian Helgeland. With Heath Ledger, Rufus Sewell, Shannyn Sossamon, Paul Bettany. After his master dies, a peasant squire, fueled by his desire for food and glory, creates a new identity for himself as a knight.
A Knight's Tale(2001) PG-13 132 min|Action, Adventure, Romance Edit pageAdd to list Track After his master dies, a peasant squire, fueled by his desire for food and glory, creates a new identity for himself as a knight. Read more:Plot summary|Synopsis ...
Discuss about the filming locations of the movieA Knight's Tale. Cast: Heath Ledger, Rufus Sewell, Shannyn Sossamon. The movie was filmed in 2001. Countries where was the movie filmed are United States.
英文片名:A Knight's Tale 14世紀中古時期的社會階級分明,出身卑微的平民不論如何努力和奮鬥,都無法跨越階級制度而翻身致富。出身卑賤年輕農夫威廉(希斯萊傑 飾),從小就想成為一位騎士,雖然這個夢想對於貧苦的威廉是個難以實現的願望,但在父親的鼓勵下,威廉苦練劍術和馬術。 某次的鬥劍比賽中威廉的主人意外身亡,威廉...
正式海报 美国 1514x2138 正式海报 1670x2500 正式海报 1495x1495 其他海报 1483x1000 其他海报 2117x1165 其他海报 1213x1710 其他海报 3000x1651 其他海报 1046x1500 其他海报 1495x1000 其他海报 1088x1370 其他海报 1465x1898 其他海报 1600x1073
Español (España) Español (México) A Knight's Tale(2001) Showing all 3 items Jump to: Photos(1) Quotes(2) Photos Quotes Germaine:But this Lichtenstein... his technique, rudimentary... style, non-existent. Still, he's fearless. ...
A Knight's TalePG-13 類型: 動作 上映中: Sep 06, 2011 3.5 Junker William (Heath Ledger), Sohn eines armen Dachdeckers, träumte schon als kleiner Junge davon, hoch zu Ross als Ritter bei Turnieren aufzutreten. Und als sein Meister, ein angesehener Ritter noblen Geschlechts, eines ...