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Internet can be unreliable sometimes. Teams adjusts the resolution of video based on how well your internet is performing. If you want to have more control over how smooth the call goes, consider turning your video off when the internet is slow. An audio call uses much less data and is e...
7) Which of the following is the key business metric behind the technologies implemented by Kroger, as discussed in the chapter-opening case?A) Higher customer satisfaction levelsB) SurvivalC) Improved employee moraleD) Improved decision makingE) Reduced cost of supplies A 8) Which of the follo...
There is always a good time for education and there is nothing to be ashamed of and English is the key to gaining all kinds of knowledge from all over the world. I like to learn in my mother tongue very much myself, because it's obviously more efficient and nice for me, but ...
The key to survive competition is making sure we win the trust and support of our clienteles. 5. Less worry: We will review the entire current system that your organization follows and find out the loopholes. Then we will give the remedies that can change the system and help you. For...
While it is realized by animals’ differential interpretations, not all the affordances are perceivable to them at a certain time. Agency is a concept that originates from sociology, where it is a subjective element as opposed to society structure to explain social actions, for instance, an ...
[83] identify 57 apps out of a total 2400 that target direct energy use and include an element of gamification; the apps are then assessed statistically in the categories: gamification components, game elements, and behavioural constructs. 3. Fuzzy TOPSIS TOPSIS was developed by Hwang and Yoon ...
[83] identify 57 apps out of a total 2400 that target direct energy use and include an element of gamification; the apps are then assessed statistically in the categories: gamification components, game elements, and behavioural constructs. 3. Fuzzy TOPSIS TOPSIS was developed by Hwang and Yoon ...
An essential element of this cascade approach which sets it apart is its utilisation of the “similarity pruning” methodology to refine precomputed recommendations from other approaches. This proves to be beneficial, not necessarily in reducing the inaccuracy, but in providing recommendations that are ...