1 可能发生了主备切换:查看/data/pg_hba.conf select pg_is_in_recovery(); 备机返回T 2 show default_transaction_read_only 查看是否参数值为ON 会话级别: set default_transaction_read_only = off; DB级别: alter database xxxxx set default_transaction_read_only = off; 系统级别: alter system set ...
SHOWdefault_transaction_read_only; Solution Ensure that you are using the correct validation query in the dbconfig.xml file as noted inSurviving Connection Closures: If the validation query is set to an incorrect value, please take a backup of the dbconfig.xml and change t...
当向SQLite数据库中存入新纪录时总是显示attempt to write a readonly a database。 冷静的分析一下:首先数据库我没有设定只读,而且通过sqlite3.exe可以实现CRUD(Create Read Update Delete)操作, 应该不是数据库的问题;其次程序在我的机器上可以用,说明代码没有问题,那么最有可能的问题就是系统权限问题了。 解决...
要说什么方法不用我们另外做手脚直接了当快速轻松得修改readonly只读属性莫过于使用.NET中的正规方式,当你直接对readonly字段进行“=”赋值操作然后编译,VS肯定给你个错误拒绝编译。但是另一种动态赋值方式——反射你有没有试过呢??? 好吧或许你曾经问过某高手说readonly字段能不能被修改,他一定会回答:“笨蛋,这...
:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. whitebox — 'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend. Homepage: https://whiteboxr.gishub.org/, https://github.com/opengeos/whiteboxR Report bugs for this package: https://github.com/opengeos/
If just one file has a read-only attribute, the best way to edit it is to uncheck the appropriate attribute in the file's properties (to toggle it off) and then make changes to it. Then, once the editing is done, re-enable the attribute. ...
A read-only user or a user in a read-only database is not permitted to disable 出现如题的问题通常是由于db.lck的所属权限问题造成的。 假设碰到类似的问题也能够这样解决。 今天安装了一个artifactory,可是安装一直失败。首先就是一个绑定异常的接口,须要查看日志,异常时绑定8015异常说解析localhost失败,发现...
java.sql.SQLException: A read-only user or a userina read-only database is not permitted to disable read-only mode on a connection. at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown Source) at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown Source) ...
电脑提问:How many times has Tom read the novel?考生回答:Three times.2. 电脑提问:When did Tom travel to Africa?考生回答:In 2019.3. 电脑提问:What is the hotel designed for?考生回答:It’s designed for guests to ...
mysql导入 secure_file_priv is a read only variable MySQL导入 secure_file_priv是一个只读变量 在MySQL中,secure_file_priv是一个系统变量,它用于限制导入文件到数据库的路径。它可以帮助提高数据库的安全性,防止恶意用户通过导入文件来执行恶意代码。然而,secure_file_priv是一个只读变量,这意味着我们无法直接...