凱瑟琳‧哈卡普Kathryn Harkup 化學家暨作家,以鑽研磷化氫(又名「膦」,一種無色、劇毒、有魚腥臭味的氣體)取得博士學位,並繼續從事博士後研究,後來意識到比起單純的化學研究,演講、寫作、展示科學更加饒富興味。她在薩里大學(University of Surrey)期間,負責工程、電腦科學、物理、數學等領域的推廣。目前是自由科學...
作者:〔美〕凱瑟琳·哈克普(Kathryn Harkup)譯者:徐仕美原作名:A Is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie出版社:麥田出版時間:2023/5裝幀:平裝尺寸:21 x 14.8 x 2.6 cm頁數:352頁ISBN:9786263103986【內容簡介】◤那是整件事的開端。我突然看清楚方向。我決心犯下不只一樁謀殺案,而是大開殺戒──一...
作者: K Harkup 摘要: Agatha Christie's detailed plotting is what makes her books so compelling. Christie used poison to kill her characters more often than any other murder method, with the poison itself being a central part of the novel, and her choice of deadly substances was far from ...
a book celebrating the use of science by the undisputed Queen of Crime.A is for Arsenicexamines the poisons used by the murderer in fourteen classic Agatha Christie mysteries. It looks at why certain chemicals kill, how they interact with the body, the cases that may have inspired...
Arsenic sticks around and today it's easily found after death if somebody thinks of looking for it, because the problem with arsenic, it isn't looked for in the common tests for drugs. — Michael Baden 83 Death is common to everyone. — Turkish Proverbs 62 The Christian churches and ...
A major problem of the Arduino platform is that the user must build the system by himself. Moreover, one has to write the proper software as well. Arduino platforms do not have specific interfaces to couple sensors. For that reason, it is necessary to include a data logger shield that ...