acoustical anemometer acoustical design ser acoustical generator acoustical properties acoustical tile acousticalanalysis acousticalanemometer acousticalradiator acousticraytraceindic acousticrecallbuoy acoustics engineering acoustigram acousto-optic q-switc acoustoelectric trans acoustoelectricindex acp access control pa...
CosId - Universal, flexible, high-performance distributed ID generator. Date and Time Libraries related to handling date and time. iCal4j - Parse and build iCalendar RFC 5545 data models. Jollyday - Determines the holidays for a given year, country/name and eventually state/region. ThreeTen-Ext...
aerialtopographicmap aeriform aeronautics aerify aero aero-generator aeroacceleratedcontac aerobasilus aerobian aerobic biooxidation aerobicdigestion aerobicoxidation aerobicslimebacteria aerobit aerocartography aerochart aerocolornegative aerodynamics academy aerogeological reconn aerojetbit aeromagnetic detectio aeromag...
POMjs - Random Password Generator. (Source Code) GPL-2.0 Javascript Reactive Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. (Demo, Source Code) MIT Docker/Nodejs ReleaseBell - Send release not...
In the previous unit, you learned about the basic building blocks of a Q# program. Now, you're ready to write your first quantum program: a quantum program to generate truly random numbers.You build out your quantum random number generator in two phases. In this unit, you bu...
In the previous unit, you learned about the basic building blocks of a Q# program. Now, you're ready to write your first quantum program: a quantum program to generate truly random numbers.You build out your quantum random number generator in two phases. In this unit, you ...
<generator object <genexpr> at 0xb749a52c> >>> L1=[] >>> for i in L: ... L1.append(i) ... >>> L1 [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] 1. 当需要只是执行一个循环的时候尽量使用循环而不是列表解析,这样更符合python提倡的直观性。 for item in sequence: ...
For the spatial GAN, a spatial discriminator is designed to compete with the generator, where the discriminator aims to distinguish the generated images from the real in the spatial domain, while the generator tries to cheat the discriminator to make it judge the outputs as real. However, ...
The reason is that the generation cost of each generator (𝑐𝑇𝑖ciT) was assumed to be a constant parameter for all cases. In fact, it was assumed that all generators submited their marginal cost. To consider the effect of different competition levels on the operation cost, we needed ...
The following example obtains the p, q, and g values for the DSA key pair generator of the preferred provider (as specified in the file) as well as the provider's name and the default keysize:static void printDSA() throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator kpgen = KeyPair...