However, the results showed considerable variation among centers. Thus the causes for this variation should be analyzed and proposals for improvement should be made.doi:10.1590/S1135-57272006000400008El comandante de laCaravana de la muerteScientia Agraria...
With over 30 years of history in the Brazilian Agribusiness Market, Ourofino seeks to reimagine Brazilian agriculture, contributing to the development of the sector and of the country. Its crop protection company Ourofino Agrociência has about 500 employees working at making products tailored...
Inoculacao de Fusarium exysporume Fusarium solani e niveis de sombreamento na erva-mate: influencia na severidade da podridao-de-raizes. Ciencia Florestal, Santa Maria, v.19, n.3, p.267-278, 2009.POLETTO, Igor et al. Inoculacao de Fusarium oxysporum e Fusarium solani e niveis de ...
RESULTS: This diabody was used in a simple hemagglutination technique to perform HPA-1a phenotyping on soluble glycoprotein IIb/IIIa from EDTA plasma samples. Over 1000 unselected donors have been correctly HPA-1a-phenotyped by use of the diabody. The human recombinant IgG1 anti-HPA-1a was ...
We assessed the impact of PSM lengths at specific locations for BCR in an open radical prostatectomy series. Methods: Detailed clinical and pathological data were collected from 117 post-prostatectomy patients with PSM from 1984 to 2004 at our institution. PSM locations were classifi...