participants who watched the humorous video spent significantly more time working on this tedious task and completed more questions correctly than did the students in either of the other groups.
paronomasia, pun, punning, wordplay - a humorous play on words; "I do it for the pun of it"; "his constant punning irritated her" 13. play - movement or space for movement; "there was too much play in the steering wheel" looseness movability, movableness - the quality of being mov...
participants who watched the humorous video spent significantly more time working on this tedious task and completed more questions correctly than did the students in either of the other groups.
Watching a humorous video clip in class can be rewarding for students and helps to create a positive classroom atmosphere. This in turn can only have a positive effect on the learning experience. Even if the comedy isn't all that funny it only takes one person to laugh and everybody else...
Again, participants who watched the humorous video spent significantly more time working on this tedious task and completed more questions correctly than did the students in either of the other groups. 'Although humour has been found to help relieve stress and facilitate social relationships, the ...
Watching a humorous video clip in class can be rewarding Watching a humorous video clip in class can be rewarding Watching a humorous video clip in class can be rewarding for students and helps to create a positive classroom for students and helps to create a positive classroom for students and...
Presentation of humor simultaneously with a stressful event has been shown to dampen the psychological and physiological responses of stress. However, whether a relatively short humorous intervention can be utilized to prevent the subsequent stress proce
Humorous Viral Videos Designed to make people laugh, these videos often include jokes, funny stunts, or absurd scenarios. Examples of humorous viral videos include: “Dude Perfect” Trick Shots (2015 onwards) “Yodeling Kid in Walmart” (2018) ...
Meetings with no stimulus tend to lose steam quickly. Kick off the session with a humorous video clip or a trivia question, to get everyone laughing, thinking, and talking. Such techniques, according to Haman, “make it easier for meeting participants to interact with each other.” ...
Intervention was a 10-minute clown visit (n ? 101) or 10-minute humorous video clip (n ? 99). Demographic and fertility-related data and preintervention anxiety scores were collected. Participants completed an Evaluation of Intervention form postintervention. There were no group differences on ...