给<a>标签以href属性,并不连接到实际的页面的方案有: <a href="#"></a> <a href="#nogo"></a> <a href="##"></a> <a href="###"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a> <a href="javascript:;"></a> <a href="javascript:"></a...
a hrefwwwhaojue targe a hrefwwwzjgsuedu tar a huge tree that fill a huge wave swept ove a human being also br a hunter company a hybrid genetic a hyperbolic style a inquiry a istant doctor a istant electoral re a istant tra latorint a j m milne a jack shaft a jade tablet held in...
这个a标签可以获得焦点(可以通过tab按键访问到) 在浏览器的默认样式表中,有href属性的标签才有cursor:pointer的效果(尤其是在低版本的IE上)。 绑定了onclick事件的标签,尤其是它的作用是ajax请求时,基本上我们就用不上这个标签的默认行为,也连接不到的实际页面,一般而言也会在CSS里给予了这个元素的cursor等样式。...
a hrefwwwzufeedu targ a hundred miles a hun a hundred years unive a hunter shoots a bea a ignable l a igned name a ignor a irin tablet a is three times as l a jack-knife a jigsaw puzzles chat a jing a joke about mark twa a journal of studies a journey is not a tr a journe...
function openInNewTabWithNoopener() {const aTag = document.createElement('a');aTag.rel = 'noopener';aTag.target = "_blank";aTag.href = 'https://malicious-domain.netlify.com';aTag.click(); } <span class="link" onclick="openInNewTabWithoutOpener()">访问恶意网站!</span> ...
<a href="https://malicious-domain.netlify.com" target="_blank"> 访问恶意⽹站!</a> 这⾥我们有⼀个指向恶意⽹站的 href 属性,并以 _blank 属性为 target,使其在新标签页中打开。该流程看起来如此简单明了,⽤户在这⾥可能⾯临的安全风险是什么?⽤户从你的页⾯重定向到域,此时,...
aTag.href='https://malicious-domain.netlify.com'; aTag.click(); } <spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTabWithoutOpener()">访问恶意网站!</span> 在这里,我们模拟点击锚标记。 我们创建<a>标记并分配所需的属性,然后在其上执行click(),其行为与单击链接相同。
functionopenInNewTabWithNoopener() {constaTag =document.createElement('a'); aTag.rel='noopener'; aTag.target="_blank"; aTag.href='https://malicious-domain.netlify.com'; aTag.click();} <spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTabWithoutOpener()">访问恶意网站!</span> ...
For example, http://myexample.com becomes <a href="http://myexample.com">http://myexample.com</a>. Unlink Remove the link from an anchor and make it plain text. Superscript Type small letters just above the line of text. Subscript Type small letters just below the line of text. ...
functionopenInNewTabWithNoopener(){constaTag=document.createElement("a");aTag.rel="noopener";aTag.target="_blank";aTag.href="https://www.qmblog.cn";aTag.click();} 代码语言:javascript 复制 <spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTabWithoutOpener()">访问恶意网站!</span> ...