The destruction of Jerusalem was prophesied by Christ, to be so complete that ‘no stone will be left upon another’ (Mt. 24:1f) While this was not true in its totality, as one can see in the fragment of the Wailing wall at the site of the Temple Mount, it is for all intents an...
Revisiting the Manhattan Declaration n The Minister's Toolbox Spring 2011 BoDniheotreifcfher Confessing Christ in Nazi Germany this critical moment in our life together, we find it important to stand together in a common struggle, to practice what I once called "an ecumenism of...
So Jerusalem is home to the “Protestant Cemetery on Mt. Zion.” The “Mt. Zion” involved is not the temple mount, but the western hill of Jerusalem that was erroneously named “Mt. Zion” many centuries after the biblical period. This ...
” by using “Amazing Grace”. I describe how this hymn played a role in my early Christian life when it caused me to consider biblical truth. Then, I explore the lessons I learned about biblical grace. From a music educator’s perspective, I discuss my fundamental belief that “spiritual...