隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,以下简称HMM)是一种经典的机器学习模型,是可用于标注问题的统计学模型,描述由隐藏的马尔科夫链随机生成观测序列的过程,属于生成模型,它在语言识别,自然语言处理,模式识别等领域得到广泛的应用。随着深度学习的兴起,如RNN类神经网络可以一定程度的解决HMM模型所解决的问题,HMM在一些问...
A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a statistical model representing a system where the state depends on the previous state based on observed data. HMMs are used to model probability distributions over sequences of observations. They have many applications, including speech recognition, stock market pred...
We introduce hmmSeq, a model-based hierarchical Bayesian technique for detecting differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data. Our novel hmmSeq methodology uses hidden Markov models to account for potential co-expression of neighboring genes. In addition, hmmSeq employs an integrated approach to ...
We already have the mathematical representation of hidden Markov model. In order to use it in real-world application, there are three basic problems to solve about HMM: the evaluation problem, the hidden-state discover problem, and the parameter optimization (training) problem. In this section, ...
M. Djafari, A hidden Markov model for Bayesian data fusion of multi- variate signals, in In Fifth Int. Triennal Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, december 2003O. Feron and A. M. Djafari, "A hidden Markov model for Bayesian data fusion of multivariate signals," in 5th Int...
Krogh, A., Larsson, B., Von Heijne, G., & Sonnhammer, E. L. (2001). Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden Markov model: applicat
Using Hidden Markov Model for Stock Day Trade …:利用隐马尔可夫模型对股票日交易… 热度: HMMSTR: a Hidden Markov Model for Local Sequence-Structure Correlations in Proteins Christopher Bystroff{ 1,2 *, Vesteinn Thorsson{ 2,3 * and David Baker ...
浅谈隐式马尔可夫模型 - A Brief Note of Hidden Markov Model (HMM),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
A hidden Markov model (HMM) encompasses a large class of stochastic process models and has been successfully applied to a number of scientific and engineering problems, including speech and other pattern recognition problems, and DNA sequence comparison. A hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) is an ext...
Discover the simplicity behind Hidden Markov Models. This easy-to-follow guide breaks down the basics and showcases practical applications, making complex concepts accessible to all.