Learning more about wine has significant rewards outside of formal certification. “Another reason to take a wine course is for building community,” says Dwelle. “I have made a lot of friends in my wine classes, and there is nothing more fun than studying with a wine from that week's ...
A Beginner’s Guide to Champagne By Kate Dingwall Getty Images There’s a reason that life’s biggest moments are marked with the pop of a Champagne cork. The French sparkling wine is ebullient and joyous, and the best examples are unparalleled in quality. “There’s just something inta...
don't worry. We're here to guide you through the process, which includescomplying with both New Zealand's export regulations and Australia's import regulations. New Zealand's regulations ensure that wine products meet quality standards and are safe for consumption, and wi...
White wine is more likely to be stored in a stainless steel barrel. The metal prevents the wine from developing an earthy depth. Instead, you can expect something fresh and delicate. The lack of skin also means the white wine is less likely to be dry or bitter. Of course, there are so...
packages in the PPA. This is where compiling Wine from source could come in handy. Also, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat comes with the latest stable release of Wine, which is 1.2, so if you want the latest development release you will need to install it from the PPA or compile it from ...
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Be wary of suppliers who decline, for whatever reason, to send images, or who have links on Wine-Searcher to wines that they do not list. This is a clickbait tactic to drive traffic to their site – nothing wrong with that per se – but it's devious and can be suspect. Check their...
A Guide To Wine InvestmentKymberlee Fernandes
图片来源:ITALIAN WINE CENTRAL 2. 经典基安帝法定产区(Chianti Classico DOCG) 尽管从地理位置来看,经典基安帝的边界覆盖了基安帝的历史核心地带,但前者也属于DOCG级别的产区,其葡萄酒拥有自己的风格。与平均水准的基安帝葡萄酒相比,经典基安帝拥有更优秀的陈年潜力,有些甚至能与蒙塔希诺-布鲁奈罗葡萄酒(Brunello di ...
© AFP | Make 2013 the year to get your cellar in order The holidays are over and the new year leaves many wine lovers vowing to sort out their cellars. During the holiday season, wine collectors tend to enjoy the benefits of their cellars more frequently than at other times of the ...