It helps children to make the transition to higher levels of thinking and learning, accelerating their cognitive development."--Back cover.AdeyShayerAdey, P (2008) Let's think Handbook - A guide to cognitive acceleration in the primary school. London: GL Assessment Limited....
Language development is essential to early childhood growth as it is the first step in literacy, forming the foundation for early childhood learning, reading, and writing. However, all children are unique and reach language development milestones at different times. Understanding language development mil...
📖 Professional software development: pretty complete and a good companion to this page. The free chapters are mostly focused on software development processes: design, testing, code writing, etc. - and not so much about tech itself. 🧰 vhf/free-programming-books 🧰 EbookFoundation/free-progr...
To meet these evolving educational needs, CEOs should initiate what we call “learning in the workflow,” and these efforts must be: Adaptive and personalized to individual users and their specific needs Always-on, with real-time support and feedback ...
This creates a key role for higher education institutions and the publication Getting started with the SDGs in universities provides guidance (Sustainable Development Solutions Network Australia/Pacific, 2017). It emphasizes inclusive teaching and learning to prepare students for positive future influence ...
self *esteem, fat, trust, and Safety : 2 the beliefs We bring into the intercultural encounter at the CognitiVe IeVeLinCIUding expectations.stereotypes. UnCenainties.and misunderstanding Of RJleS Or PrOCedUres: and3 the action Or SkiIIS We POSSeSS at the behavk)ral tevel. including verbal ...
cognitivebasesforsecondlanguagelearning.Here,headdressestwoofthecen- tralconcernsinsecondlanguagedevelopmenttheory: First,howinterlanguage developmentoccursthroughcomprehensionandproduction,andsecond,atwhat pointinthesecondlanguageacquisitionprocesslanguagelearnersbegintopro- ductivelynoticetargetform.Skehan'sreviewoftheex...
and post-conference convening to prepare students for the conference and then guide students through reflections on their learning and future work. The experiential learning activities offered in conjunction with the students’ conference attendance were designed to: (1) foster students’ connection to ...
One of the first and most prominent AI research areas is machine learning (ML) [1]. Similar to medicine, for ML, the observation and analysis of data is fundamental. In the past century, the development and use of ML methodologies in medicine were, however, very limited, as presented in...
Education for sustainable development (ESD) is a holistic and transformative form of education that seeks action-oriented pedagogy using self-directed learning, participation, and collaboration, among other aspects, and is suitable for developing active methodologies. Since affective-emotional aspects can ...