A Goofy Movie is a 1995 animated musical adventure comedy-drama film, produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and released to theaters by Walt Disney Pictures. It features the characters from The Disney Afternoon television series Goof Troop and is
like "Zack and Miri Make a Porno," "Cop Out," and "Red State." However, it never felt like the cinematic universe that birthed Jay and Silent Bob was ever that far away from the New Jersey native. Not only did he release 2013's "Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie!"...
The cast is fantastic, with standout performances from Gordon and Steve Zahn, who plays Greg's goofy but endearing dad.But what really sets "Dog Days" apart is its heart. The film explores themes of friendship, family, and the joys of being a kid, all while staying true to the spirit...
Remember in the movie how those claws grab the doors and hoist them up into the air to take them away? We’re doing that, too. And you’re going along for the ride.” The coaster will put you right in the middle of the monster action. Just be sure to fill out your paperwork!
Joner and Torp reprise their roles with the same integrity and commitment they brought to The Wave, and there’s strong support from the rest of the cast, though Amdam is stuck playing the kind of blinkered character you hope will end up being taken out by a collapsing building. The ...
In World of Color at the same park, Jasmine makes a notable appearance during Aladdin's sequence. She and Aladdin sing "A Whole New World", as well as its reprise. For meet-and-greets, Jasmine can be found in Adventureland and at Royal Hall at the Disneyland park. ...
mesmerized by the Prince of Darkness himself, Dracula, played on Broadway by Bela Lugosi, just a few years before Bela reprised the role on film for Universal. On Lugosi’s recommendation, William Castle was given a job as an assistant stage manager, causing Castle to drop out of high ...
While I don’t know if they did this for the main series, they got back many of the original voice actors from the various Disney movies to reprise their roles here. They have Jodi Benson as Ariel, Robby Benson as Beast, Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa, Pat Caroll as Ursula, and Johnathan ...
The whole experience is a bit goofy (including a sex scene that is arguably more misogynistic than the tentacle hentai was), so it’s somewhat understandable that the film has fallen by the wayside. Moving off anime (since for some reason I do not understand, the IP has yet to receive ...
Reprise 'Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere' Neil Young (1969):After a strangely subdued self-titled album that held none of the complexities that made his work with Buffalo Springfield so powerful, Neil Young hooks up with his garage-band soulmates in Crazy Horse. It's strange to think about...