Top OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Nearby More than 1 Million Board Certified HealthCare Providers Find an OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) by State or Region...
Before I got married, if I told my mom I booked an appointment with an OBGYN she would freak out and say why?? What’s wrong with you?? But now that I am married it’s fine, but before marriage, yeah they get scared and freak out. (P26, Married, 22 years old) Mothers’ educa...
After a year of not getting pregnant I saw an obgyn doctor where we tried 6 rounds of clomid that made me an emotional crazy b*%#!… after that didn’t work it was time to move onto a fertility specialist as my doctor said, “there’s nothing else I can do”. She had expressed ...
They described an ideal stipulating that good and strong women either give birth without much pain or manage pain in a smooth and non-complaining manner. However, these norms were also questioned and resisted by the interviewees. Similar ideals about “natural” birth have been described in a ...
My Husband decided to pull out his old bike again and safe to say after collecting dust for the last 4 years it needed a good wipe down. I turned straight to Chemico to bring the wheels and the frame back to life. 17. Toilets You heard me, your toilet. I was battling with hard wa...
STEPHANIE MURPHY: You also told Lakewood Ranch OBGYN that, um, the pregnancy had been uncomplicated, correct? ASHLEY BENEFIELD: Is there a page you'd like me to reference? STEPHANIE MURPHY: I'm just asking you. Is that what you told them?
Me: (oh. my. god. Just fucking agree with everything. Maybe he’ll go away.) Mmm hmm. Yeah. Sounds good. It would sure be artistic. Guy: Yeah. Hey thanks for the paper and pencil. I just…wanted to draw that idea out. Here’s the extra. And your pencils back. See: this is...
Especially because it was my uncle that pulled me out of my mom. My uncle is an OBGYN. And my family loves a discount. So they were like oh, my mom was like, yeah, just have my brother do it. Which is like such an intimate? I don’t know if you’ll have a relationship lik...
There I was at the OBGYN, knowing I was knocked up but expecting to see just ONE baby on the ultrasound. I knew the one anticipated baby would be challenging, given I already have a toddler, but I figured I could more or less handle ONE additional child and was generally excited. TWO...
A friend asked me what was the hardest part of cancer, and without blinking I said, when it’s all over. It might be hard to believe but I’d do any of this past year over and over again rather than have to deal with today. Maybe I’ll come up with... ...