因此,这辆像灵车一样的汽车也象征着异类和他的手下带着暴力和死亡的历史。 【参考资料】Flannery O’Connor(弗兰纳里·奥康纳)《A Good Man is Hard to Find》《好人难寻》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
这里有一份不错的资源 点击[A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND-好人难寻(英文版)_[美]弗兰纳里·奥康纳]即可获取~ 你觉得这个资源能帮到你不,要是还有其他资源需求,尽管告诉我哦~
短篇小说A Good Man is Hard to Find是典型的公路式小说。讲的是乔治亚州一家六口准备驱车前往弗罗里达州,路上由于汽车故障遇到在逃的不合群者而全家被杀害的故事。在这篇故事中,祖母毫无疑问是最主要的角色,在故事一开始,自私的祖母因为私心拿报纸上的报道说事企图让全家改道,失败后第二天出发时却是第一个坐上...
Stylistics A Good Man is Hard to Find analysisStylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the feature of situationally distinctive uses(varieties) of language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individual and social groups in their use...
The fiction“A Good Man Is Hard To Find” tragic story. The family planned to go to Floridaon holiday, but after knowing The Misfit headed toward Florida, the grandmother insisted on going to east Tennessee. On the way, the grandmother wanted to go to a plantationwhereshe often visited in...
The fiction“A Good Man Is Hard To Find” tragic story. The family planned to go to Floridaon holiday, but after knowing The Misfit headed toward Florida, the grandmother insisted on going to east Tennessee. On the way, the grandmother wanted to go to a plantationwhereshe often visited in...
1、Analyze “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” - Indifference The fiction “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” tragic story. The family planned to go to Florida on holiday, but after knowing The Misfit headed toward Florida, the grandmother insisted on going to east Tennessee. On the way, the ...
a good man is hard to find(好人难寻)的寓意就是让人看到自身的罪恶,认罪、忏悔。从而获得救赎。而获得救赎的重要的手段就是接受“暴力的洗礼”。虚伪、夸夸其谈的老祖母就是因为接受了“暴力的洗礼”才幡然醒悟.使她能够在临死之前接纳“不合适宜的人”.称他是“自己的孩子”。奥康纳通过暴力...