A Good Day to Be a Dog is a romantic comedy that tells the story of a woman (Park Gyu Young) who is cursed and transforms into a dog at night whenever she kisses a man. She accidentally kissesa man (Cha Eun Woo) who is afraid of dogs due to a past trauma and needs his help t...
MY TEN FAVORITE K-DRAMAS (in no particular order, and no testament to the quality of said drama – only that I liked them so very much): –Time Between Dog and Wolf –Guns, amnesia, undercover operatives, beautiful first love, gorgeous overseas locale, stellar soundtrack, and, oh yeah,...
HowDoesTheMovieEnd, MoviePooper, themoviespoiler or DoesTheDogDie - Movie Spoilers Behind the Voice Actors - Voice Actors Database Movie-Censorship - Compare Alternate Versions of Media Internet Movie Cars Database - Movie Vehicle Database Starring the Computer - Movie Computer Database / Disc...
Granted, it’s not every night that I watch K-dramas for several hours. I haven’t abandoned all responsibility, and I meet friends and go out, too. I think that I’m not overdoing it with K-drama talk to my friends, but then they cut me off, reminding me that I’ve already tol...
Now for the good stuff. In ep 1, I liked the vibe of our main characters, be it the stern Ming Tian, lively Paeka or gentle Maylee but it was only in ep 2 that I got a better feel of their personalities and want to know more about their stories. I never doubted Ann’s ability...
Honestly the movie was not up to my expectations but i still give credits for it as it is the only first action film by korea producers the drama i hope there is more twist and comedy in it the movie suppose need alot of some good stories but it totally ruined when the girl is also...
Today is a beautiful day. I want to document the very first message I received. This might answer the big question what the future holds not just for me. Good stories are hard to find Suspended coffees. This story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter day. ...
By the end of the day I had “got” it. I knew why people cosplayed; point blank, it’s fun! You get to sort of become a character, you get to look good and people tell you that you look good/cute/amazing/insane/etc. Who wouldn’t like that? But at its core, it’s just ...
Not even close, but it was a good start to taking my life back. 44. I took it a day at a time. After my trip back, I relaxed. I worked. I settled into a routine that worked for me and put my head down and trudged on. Day goes by. Each day really no different than the ...
As Ha Ni heads to her tennis retreat, Joon Gu runs outside to catch her before she leaves in order to give her a lunchbox he packed. He’s all serious when tells her that he will always be a home for her. A home that she can come back to when she is tired and weary, when ...