increased frequency of droughts and forest fires caused by climate change have changed the habitat environment of many plant species so that it no longer corresponds to their
The quest for past Martian life hinges on locating surface formations linked to ancient habitability. While Mars' surface is considered to have become cryogenic ~3.7 Ga, stable subsurface aquifers persisted long after this transition. Their exte
The values of the thresholds 𝑎𝑖ai are identified with an automated search procedure, in which the variance of the upper segment, which corresponds to high precipitation values, is minimized. The search interval is limited on both ends to ensure that the upper and the lower sample is of ...
Each point corresponds to the total number of publications per decade. The primary data were obtained from Limanova [15,16]. The native (historical) range of D. polymorpha lies in the Ponto–Caspian basin. In the Pleistocene, the zebra mussel was broadly distributed in Europe, but the ...
The fact that the base of the depression corresponds to the uppermost, most clayey bed (least shear resistance) suggests that the depression was formed during one episode of glacial erosion.doi:10.1139/e88-196Christiansen, E. A.Sauer, E. K....
corresponding to the period from Day 150 to Day 370 of the Flood', (p. 66) Note how Robinson assumes the 'Tertiary' corresponds to the last half of the Flood in the modified Whitcomb/Morris model. Near the end of his paper he writes: . 'However, the truth is that the basic scheme...
Considering all possible errors and inexactness, this mean value corresponds to an age comprised between 1.308 and 0.814 Ma. Thus, Units 1 to 3 can confidently be assigned to the Early Pleistocene subepoch, more specifically to the late part of the Calabrian (Fig. 10; 1.806–0.781 Ma BP, ...
The beginning of growth at 135 ka corresponds to the ending of the last glaciation and is concordant with a midpoint age for the penultimate deglaciation at 135 {} 2.5 ka, as deduced from the absolutely dated oxygen isotope curve in sediments from the Bahamas, as well as with recent coral...
The distribution of interplate coupling coefficient estimated from the cumulative slip of small repeating earthquakes reveals a distinct change from south (ca. 0.3) to north (ca. 0.7) across this border. This border corresponds to the southern limit of M > 7 earthquakes and intense seismicity ...
The color grading reflects the degree of divergence and corresponds to the FST values indicated in the legend. The localities’ codes are shown in Table 1. Table 5. Hierarchical AMOVA of Perumytilus purpuratus when grouped using Bayesian inference (16S and 28S) and GENELAND clustering (28S)...