Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the anime A Girl & Her Guard Dog.
Information about the anime A Girl & Her Guard Dog (Ojou to Banken-kun) from studio project No.9 with the main genre Romantic Drama
While both A Girl and Her Guard Dog and After the Rain are anime about age gap romance, they differ in the fact that After the Rain isn’t actually a romance. Unlike A Girl and Her Guard Dog, the adult male love interest in After the Rain has appropriate boundaries between himself and...
Additional details have been revealed for theA Girl & Her Guard Doganime, which has director Yoshihiro Takamoto and production house Project No. 9adaptingthe manga by Hatsuhara. The official website announced that the series is set to premiere in Japan on September 28, and a new key visual w...
An Italian boy dressed as a clown calling a Swedish girl who is riding a bicycle with her dog by telephone. An African boy communicating to his pet parrot. A Belgian boy communicating to an Egyptian boy via computer. A Dutch girl and her dog using the Internet and receiving tickets to th...
anna troberg anna umemiya anna girl before go n annaba annabel beerel annabelle smiles annaiversary annalistic history annalsing capacity-li anndtobj anne a friendship fou anne akyuz anne curtis anne frasier anne obrien rice anne of green gables anne pawsat-dressler anne reinhart anne seinlein ...
and also try and announce our full and another dead girl and another in thee h and around the dear r and as children and as for thy nativi and as fuel and as he came to the and as i cry myself t and as in adam all di and as president and as the sun is fad and ask her an...
Bryn removes the crossbow bolt from her belt. It is entirely made of metal, which glistens and sparkles beautifully.Gazzo: If ya don’t like it, I can-Bryn: Oh, no you don’t! This thing was embedded in my arm. The LEAST you can do is let me keep this “gift”!Gazzo: Awright...
Yet Brynn feels at home around this fearless girl who pushes her to try new things and makes her belly flutter with nerves that have nothing to do with anxiety. When Brynn discovers that Skylar is trapped in the bayou and can’t tell her why, she resolves to free her new crush from ...
Fans of the manga are particularly excited about the battle between Agito and Gaolong, which isn't far from their reach, given that the anime will consist of at least 12 episodes. A Girl & Her Guard Dog (September 28) Kodansha A Girl & Her Guard Dog is based on a Japanese manga ...