Information about the anime A Girl & Her Guard Dog (Ojou to Banken-kun) from studio project No.9 with the main genre Romantic Drama
Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the anime A Girl & Her Guard Dog.
Additional details have been revealed for theA Girl & Her Guard Doganime, which has director Yoshihiro Takamoto and production house Project No. 9adaptingthe manga by Hatsuhara. The official website announced that the series is set to premiere in Japan on September 28, and a new key visual w...
Watch A Girl & Her Guard Dog KNIVES AND ATTACKS, on Crunchyroll. With Keiya unable to act while Mikio has a knife at Isaku's throat, it looks like both Keiya and Isaku are at Mikio's mercy. But when Mikio attempts to sexually assault Isaku, she doesn't p
Watch A Girl & Her Guard Dog LINGERING SCENTS AND WHISPERS, on Crunchyroll. As Mikio exits stage left, another wrinkle in Isaku and Keiya's relationship enters stage right.
While both A Girl and Her Guard Dog and After the Rain are anime about age gap romance, they differ in the fact that After the Rain isn’t actually a romance. Unlike A Girl and Her Guard Dog, the adult male love interest in After the Rain has appropriate boundaries between himself and...
Mikio Tanukiis a character from the 动画A Girl & Her Guard Dog. They have been indexed as男性 青少年 with 蓝色 eyes and 金发 hair that is 脖子 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别男性 眼睛的颜色蓝色 头发颜色金发 头发长度脖子 Apparent Age青少年 ...
Rahim (Amir Jadidi, fantastic) is currently in prison due to owing a huge debt to his former brother-in-law. Every now and then, Rahim is allowed out of prison on leave. And on one such leave, his girlfriend discovers a purse with several gold coins in it. Rahim immediately thinks he...
41:58HDHorny Lesbian Blondes and Brunettes0%5350 11:27HDBlowjob Under Hot Shower0%4664 08:52HDPassionate PinkHaired Girl Spreads Her Legs for Intense Pleasure0%4592 08:09HDSlender Queer Exposes Crotch, Dildo Fucks Him DoggyStyle100%4337 ...
Watch A Girl & Her Guard Dog KISSES AND LOVE, on Crunchyroll. Isaku is frustrated with Keiya when he doesn't even try to pass his tests at school. They agree that she'll give him a reward if he passes his next make-up exam, but the reward he asks for is