#A Gentleman in Moscow# 伯爵嘱咐女儿的两条人生建议实际上是对自己大半辈子的小小总结: 1. If one did not master one's circumstances, one was bound to be mastered by them; 2. The surest sign of wisdo...
现代童话故事 这是一个精致古典的现代童话故事。一个沙俄时代的贵族被软禁在克里姆林宫对面的大都会酒店,他失去自由困在酒店的小天地却也幸运地隔绝在三十多年动荡的政治之外。他在酒店的小天地观察感受外面动荡社会给这个相对隔绝的环境带来的冲击与变化,有消沉但始终保持着精神上的尊严。小说可以说部分是Eloise (那...
<前页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 39 40 后页> > 我来写笔记 > A Gentleman in Moscow 作者: Amor Towles isbn: 0091944244 书名: A Gentleman in Moscow 页数: 480 定价: GBP 12.99 出版社: Hutchinson 出版年: 2017-2-9 装帧: Hardcover©...
前情提要 她是个演员 She's an actress. 列♥宁♥和托洛茨基 Both Lenin and Trotsky 都有各自喜欢的电影导演 have their favorite film directors. 我跟他们都交情颇深 I'm good friends with all of them 可以帮你牵线搭桥 and could arrange introductions. 我的荣幸 厄本诺娃小姐 Pleasure is ...
“A Gentleman in Moscow Summary Quotes” Fate would not have the reputation it has, if it simply did what it seemed it would do.Click To TweetFor as it turns out, one can revisit the past quite pleasantly, as long as one does so expecting nearly every aspect of it to have changed....
在被囚禁前,他的生活就是拥着晨风,欢快地疾行在莫斯科的街道上,和周围的人热情打招呼聊天。下午坐在咖啡馆外面的椅子上,悠然欣赏远处的风景。到了晚上,约几个至交好友到饭店,借着晚风把酒言欢。 但是伯爵不仅没有一蹶不振,反而很快地适应了在大都会酒店里的生活。街道上的寒暄转为与酒店工作人员的交谈,下午的...
#莫斯科绅士# A Gentleman in Moscow (2024) 第1-4集,wp评 by擦枪字幕组
The ending ofA Gentleman in Moscowremains ambiguous, leaving Alexander's fate open to interpretation. Love and sacrifice are the central themes of the show, as Alexander risks everything to ensure the safety and happiness of his found family. ...
A Gentleman in Moscow《莫斯科绅士(2024)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,敬一段出乎意料的完美友谊 To an entirely unanticipated and truly wonderful friendship. 前情提要 她是个演员 Shes an actress. 列hearts;宁hearts;和托洛茨基 Both Lenin and Trotsky
A Gentleman in Moscow《莫斯科绅士(2024)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 前情提要 你和你的阶层不能再活于莫斯科 LifeforyouandyourkindisoverinMoscow. 你永远不能离开这家酒店 Youmustneverleavethishotel. 如果离开我会收拾你的 Ifyoudo,I'llbewaiting. ...