球定理广义Poincaré猜想第k个Ricci曲率同胚This paper discusses the topology of manifolds with a small well of positive $k$-th Ricci curvature and generalizes the classical sphere theorem. Also, the authors will describe an interesting compensatory phenomenon of the manifold with respect to the ...
Generalized semi-geostrophic theory on a sphere It is shown that the solution of the semi-geostrophic equations for shallow-water flow can be found and analysed in spherical geometry by methods similar t... CULLEN, M. J. P.,DOUGLAS, R. J.,ROULSTONE, I.,... - 《Journal of Fluid Mechan...
Generalized weighting scheme for [delta][ital f] particle-simulation method An improved nonlinear weighting scheme for the [delta][ital f] method of kinetic particle simulation is derived. The method employs two weight functions to... G Hu,JA Krommes - Physics of Plasmas; (United States) 被引...
D. K. Ugulava, “The approximation of functions on the m-dimensional sphere by the Cesaro means of Fourier-Laplace series,” Mat. Zametki,9, No. 3, 343–353 (1971). Google Scholar D. K. Ugulava, “The generalized normal means of Fourier-Laplace series,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,...
(see Fig.2b). This also leads to each vertex in the graph being associated with a face in the dual graph, and since all vertices are three valent, all faces in the dual graph are triangles. In Fig.3, we show an example of a sphere triangulation that satisfies the CDT conditions ...
Noether's Theorem "Spacetimetells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve." The first half of this saying describes thegeodesic equation, while the second half, theEinstein field equations, specify the way "matter tells spacetime how to curve".[1] ...
The generalized Lorenz–Mie theory (GLMT) stricto sensu deals with the more general case when the illuminating wave is an arbitrary shaped beam (say: a laser beam) still interacting with a homogeneous sphere defined by its diameter d and its complex refractive index m. The name “GLMTs” ...
A DDVV Type Inequality and a Pinching Theorem for Compact Minimal Submanifolds in a Generalized Cylinder S-n1(c) x R-n2 In this paper, we prove a new DDVV type inequality for submanifolds immersed in a Riemannian product Mn1(c)xRn2(c0) of a real space form Mn1(c) of curvatur......
(cf Theorem8). Finally, the dynamical behavior of system (1) on the Poincaré sphere at infinity is characterized by the Poincaré compactification (cf Theorem9). The results in this work deepen our understanding of system (1) and may be helpful for further investigation into the phenomena of...
Let M n be a complete submanifold with parallel mean curvature vector H immersed isometrically in the standard sphere n+p (1). Denote by S the square of the norm of the second fundamental form of the immersion. One interesting problem in this context is to classify submanifolds that satisfy...