A GENE THAT CODES FOR A POLYPEPTIDE WHICH HAS THE ABILITY TO PRESENT CELL GROWTHThis invention relates to a gene encoding a polypeptide having pre-B cell growth-supporting ability, and an adhesion molecule of the polypeptide consisting of 318 amino acid residues having pre-B cell growth-...
The evolutionary origins and common features of the genes coding for the HMG-14/-17 family of chromosomal proteins have been studied by isolating and sequencing the chicken HMG-14b gene, the true homolog of the human and calf HMG-14 gene. Comparison of the structure of this gene to that of...
All code used for image analysis, genome sequence analysis, biophysical modelling, data analysis and figure generation are available on GitHub (https://github.com/ktong25/WGD_in_MuLTEE). References Otto, S. P. The evolutionary consequences of polyploidy. Cell 131, 452–462 (2007). Article ...
All 15 significant SNPs mapped onto zebra finch chromosome 3, with three SNPs annotated in introns of Neurexin 1 (NRXN1), one SNP in an exon of Coenzyme Q8A (COQ8A) although not in a coding sequence, one SNP in an intron of ENAH actin regulator (ENAH) ~100 bp from a coding seque...
Biotite is a program library for sequence and structural bioinformatics written for the Python programming language. It implements widely used computational methods into a consistent and accessible package. This allows for easy combination of various dat
19,20 Collectively, rare pathogenic copy number variants (CNVs) and single-gene sequence–level variants represent the largest proportion of known NPD causes to date, yet research into precision health strategies has lagged behind other conditions, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.7,21-27 ...
Detailed studies by Watkins (1966) led to definition of the exact terminal carbohydrate containing sequences of A and B. A: alpha GalNAC-beta gal-GNac terminal sequence in A is N-acetyl galactosamine. B: alpha gal-beta gal-GNac terminal sequence in B is galactose. H: beta-gal terminal se...
A total of 1586 bp obtained from the two loci was sequenced for L. pallaryi with the lengths of cyt b and D-loop being 1116 and 470 bp, respectively. 2.1.2. Alignments and phylogenetic analyses The sequences were visualized and edited in SEQUENCHER v.5.2.4 (Gene Codes, USA) and then...
Genome-wide transcript levels were quantified in reads per kilobase of exon per million mapped sequence reads (RPKM)45. RPKM values of 0 were changed to 1 to calculate the fold change of the transcript level. Genes for which differential transcript levels were detected were functionally ...
The numeric encoding of the four DNA bases makes it possible for the spatial placements of nucleotides to be interpreted by the CNN. In particular, Busia et al. developed a CNN14 which trains a deep neural network to predict database-derived taxonomic labels directly from query sequences. ...