In architecture, and specifically in Gothic architecture, a gargoyle (/ˈɡɑːrɡɔɪl/) isa carved or formed grotesque with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building, thereby preventing rainwater from running down masonry walls and eroding the...
“滴水嘴兽” 建筑排水构件中最显眼也最华丽的一个“滴水嘴兽”,这个词你可能很陌生,它是建筑输水管道喷口终端的一种雕饰。 滴水嘴兽,英语 gargoyle 或 gurgoyle,来自法语 gargouille,原义为「喉」,这个词很形象的模仿了潺潺的雨水通过下水管流出的景...
拉丁名:Rhacodactylus auriculatus 英文名:Gargoyle Gecko 中文名:盖勾亚守宫 拉丁词源 盖勾亚守宫的拉丁种名“auriculatus”意思是“有耳状物的”,指的就是它们头顶的耳状凸起。然而,盖勾亚其实是西方建筑中用于排水,与外部相连的结构造型,通常两边凸起中间...
Marion Zimmer Bradley - [Sword and Sorceress 27] - Sword and Sorceress XXVII - Elisabeth Waters (ed)英文原版小说电子版 星级: 69 页 Marion Zimmer Bradley - [Sword and Sorceress 25] - Sword and Sorceress XXV - Elisabeth Waters (ed)英文原版小说电子版 星级: 76 页 Marion Zimmer Bradley -...
G滴水兽(gargoyle)一直喋喋不休样子真吓人 怪兽 H霍西的苍鹭(heron) 鸟 I鬣蜥(iguana)身上长满奇特的鳞片 爬行类动物 J水母(jellyfish)身体发亮如同深海中的电光 腔肠动物 K奇异果还是奇异鸟(kiwi) 鸟 L蝗虫(locust)是杂食性动物成群飞行 昆虫 M鼹鼠(mole)住在地洞里 哺乳动物 N夜莺(nightingale)在黄昏时分一...
2 definitions of the word gargoyle. Noun A spout that terminates in a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal An ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animalWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in gargoyle? 7 Letter Words greylag12 6 Letter ...
What does the underlined word “it" in the last paragraph refer to?A. England.B.Oxford.C. A gargoyle.D. A building.()5. What can we know from the passage?A. The name “Oxford" has a connection with the ox.B. Oxford bags are very beautiful bags of the UK.C. There are 21 ...
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