candidiasis cause fungal infection, yeast candidiasis color odor drainage thick white curd like candidiasis other s/s genital itching burning dysuria chlamydia cause bacterium chlamydia color odor drainage bleed after sexdischarge w foul odor chlamydia other s/s dysuriaabdx paingenital itch burn trichomon...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Acute Diarrhea Teaching、DC IV fluids & Catheter ( STEPS)、Sputum Specimens等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
An example is when someone is treated for a bacterial infection, then gets a fungal (yeast) infection. secondary The type of immunity which is present at birth, is nonspecific, and includes the skin and epithelial layers as the first line of defense is: innate Which cells are the "master ...
Infection or irritation of the pharynx and/or tonsils What are the causes of pharyngitis? Causes: coxsakievirus(hand,mouth, foot dx), enteric cytopathic human orphan (ECHO) viruses (GI), and Epstein-Barr virus(mono).Bacteria-Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (strep throat, scarlet fever, ...