The purpose of this study was to investigate adsorption isotherms of removing BPA from aqueous solutions using single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs).Materials and methods: This study was an empirical investigation. Our experiments were conducted discontinuously using 50 mL of sample in each test. ...
P. B. Oliveira, "Associac¸a˜o do parasito´ ide de ovos Trichogramma galloi Zucchi Himeno´ ptera: Trichogrammatidae e do parasito´ ide larval Cotesia flavipes Cam. Himeno´ ptera: Brancconidae no controle de Diatraea saccharalis Fabruary, 1794 Lepidoptera: Pyralidae em cana-...
Adolescente em Conflito com a Lei- da indiferenca a protecao integral: Uma abordagem sobre a responsabilidade penal juvenil. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado, 2003.p.13-88.SARAIVA, Joao Batista Costa. Adolescente em conflito com a lei: da indiferenca a protecao integral: uma abordagem ...
<p class="first" id="d4974363e210">This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with surgical site infections in orthopedic surgical patients at a public hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2005 and 2007. A historica
This study is a systematic analysis of the information content of a wide range of distributional cues to word boundaries, individually and in combination, in naturally occurring child-directed speech across three languages (English, Polish, and Turkish). The paper presents a series of statistical ...
Cochrane corner - Antiagregantes plaquetários na doena renal crónica. Avaliao da reviso sistemáticaThis is a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials comparing any antiplatelet treatment versus placebo or no treatment, or direct head-to-head antiplatelet agent studies, in individuals...
Beirao I, Moreira L, Porto G, Lobato L, Fonseca I, Cabrita A, Costa PM. Low erythropoietin production in familial amyloidosis TTR V30M is not related with renal congophilic amyloid deposition. A clinicopathologic study of twelve cases. Nephron Clin Pract. 2008;109(2):c95-9....
atildeo placentaBlood biochemical profiles of 16 Holstein cows with and 23 without placental retention (PR), all on the same diet with 18 % of protein and 70% of total digestive nutrients (NDT), were compared. Blood samples were taken five times from all animals: on parturiton day (PD)...