freecdn 是一个纯前端的 CDN 解决方案,用于降低网站流量成本,同时提高网站稳定性、安全性,并且无需修改现有的业务逻辑。 最近更新 新增文件合并功能,可将大文件切割成多个小文件,运行时自动合并。从而能突破免费 CDN 单个文件体积限制。 新增资源包功能,可将多个小文件合并成一个资源包,运行时从中提取。查看更多 功...
We are looking for contributors.Please check open issues in the above repos if you think you could help, or open a new one if you have an idea you'd like to discuss. jsDelivr is a free CDN for open-source files. We are tightly integrated with Github and npm, allowing us to automati...
A free CDN for open source projects Fast. Reliable. Automated. Optimized for JS and ESM delivery from npm and GitHub. Works with all web formats. 266 billion requests past month over 12 982 TB past month // load any project hosted on npm...
Because there are so many free CDN options out there, I can’t think of a reason you wouldn’t get one. In fact, I’m looking at setting up Cloudflare on my BigScoots-hosted website, as it’s an easy way to speed up that slow load time. For website visitors, a CDN is the u...
Realize the speed, agility and performance of a scalable, composable web architecture with Netlify. Explore the composable web platform now!
On the CDN profile page, select the endpoint you want to create rules for. Select the Rules Engine tab. The Rules Engine pane opens and displays the list of available global rules. Important The order in which multiple rules are listed affects how rules are handled. The actions that are sp...
For Custom hostname, enter your custom domain, including the subdomain, to use as the source domain of your CNAME record. For example, or Don't use the afdverify subdomain name. Select Add. Azure verifies that the CNAME record exists for the custom domai...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for css-vars-ponyfill. Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers
Vcpkg simplifies acquiring and building open source libraries on Windows. Acquiring native libraries on Windows is a critical part of the application development process; in our surveys, you told us that 80% of your C++ projects depend on two or more libraries. Despite this, we’ve he...
Vcpkg simplifies acquiring and building open source libraries on Windows. Acquiring native libraries on Windows is a critical part of the application development process; in our surveys, you told us that 80% of your C++ projects depend on two or more libraries. Despite this, we...