la Yougoslavie, par la guerre, elle se trouvait complètement démunie et qu'on venait de lui reprendre un studio que des amis lui avaient prêté, pour le rendre au peintre Touchagues[1893-1974]qui l'habitait généralement. Je lui proposai de partager mon appartement et nous y véc...
…if being a salad wizard wasn’t good enough, you could pop open a bottle of Cora vermouth and feel downright aristocratic… …and if you wanted to maintain that aristocratic pose, you’d better know how to serve your tomato juice, and make sure it is prepared by a “famous French Che...
and I did, but it wasn’t really necessary. The recipe also stated that you could use the “parfum” of your choice, and suggested vanilla, fleur d’orange, lemon zest. I chose a bit of vanilla and a bit of rum, because that’s what I had. When I made the genoise I couldn’t ...
iTsnehldeeahcrtikegdhbe,lsuatesScsOihrRoclwwesan,swinnaosFtiifcgieruastbreleex9,pw.lIohniitleFeditghiunere 9a, it is nportoeddutchtaiotnPoadf eBa-c0h4,wreelnldfleurcetduaitneddaorbkviboluuselyc:irtchliessm, wayashafivrestreexsuplltoeidtefdroimn Oa chtiogbheirn2je0c1ti0onanhdeaatpinpgeared ...