a first-level university degree 第一级的大学学位
a first-level university degree 一级大学学位 university degree 英[ˌjuːnɪˈvɜː(r)səti diˈɡri:]美[ˌjunɪˈvɜrsəti dɪˈɡri][词典] 本科学历;[例句]Usually they have a minimum baccala...
a first level degree一般指本科学士学位,advanced university degree指高等学位,如硕士、博士 截取自Quor...
Of course, not everyone thinks this is because of thehard graftthat students are putting in. Critics say that universities are handing out higher grades to boostapplicationsand having a first-class degree gives an advantage for future job opportunities – this all looks good on a universityprospec...
如果没有cashin your first grade,学生可以重考AS和A-Level证书有关的个别模块,而且这不视为“resist”。适用于数学、进阶数学和构成常规offer的第三门A-Level。 有些同学在学习一年之后,就早早参加了A-Level数学甚至是进阶数学的考试。这种情况下,学院希望你的数学成绩达到A*,但也考虑进阶数学A的申请人。不过接...
【答案】:D 名词辨析。level意为“水平”;extent意为“程度”;grade意为“等级”:degree意为“程度,度,学位”。本题考查的是考生的词汇水平。bachelor’s degree是一个固定搭配,意思是“学士学位”。level、extent、grade虽然都可以与bachelor’s一词组合,但无此特定的意思。正确答案只能为[D]...
A university degree is no (51)___ of a job,and job hunting in itself requires a whole set of skills.if you find you are not getting past the first interview,ask yourself what is happening.Is it a(n) (52)___ to communicate or are there some skills you lack?And find out what ...
课程由公立或私立延续性教育学院开办,成绩被部分大学认可。 如英国公立预科(University First,简称UF)、贝勒比斯学院。 2.学习内容 (1)语言提高课程:为进入更高要求的大学本科课程打下扎实的基础(Lay a solid foundation for entering higher requirements of undergraduate courses) (2)研究方法课程:为大学本科阶段的...
boostapplicationsand having a first-class degree gives an advantage for future job opportunities – this all looks good on a universityprospectus. But there have also been arguments that rising degree grades reflect the im...
DIPLOMA是证书 DEGREE是学位 A-LEVEL是新加坡 澳洲 英国等国家,别业后可以申请大学。