FEAP- -A Finite Element Analysis Program Version 8.1 Theory Manual Robert L.Taylor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California at Berkeley Berkeley,California 94720-1710 E-Mail: rlt@ce.berkeley.edu January 2007C o nt e nt s 1 Introduction 1 2 Introductionto...
The Finite Element Analysis Program - Personal Version (FEAPpv) is a computer analysis system designed for: 1. Use in an instructional program to illustrate performance of different types of elements and modeling methods; 2. In a research, and/or applications environment which requires frequent ...
Results of a finite element analysis are post-processed using a graphical tool. The definitions of the output options can be found in the I/O Options section. An overview of the result files can be found inResults Output by OptiStruct. ...
Chan-Hung, A finite element analysis of sheet metal forming processes, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 54 (1995) 70-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/0924-0136(95)01922-7Hsu, T.-C., Chu, C.-H., A finite element analysis of sheet metal forming processes, J. Mater. Proc. Tech., 54 (...
The purpose of this article was to use finite element analysis (FEA) to study the relationship of tibial tunnel (TT) with fracture pattern and implants. A computed tomography scan of full-length tibia and fibula was obtained. Models were built after three-dimensional reconstruction. The correspond...
BLOT: A mesh and curve plot program for the output of a finite element analysis BLOT is a graphics program for post-processing of finite element analysis output that is presented in the EXODUS database format. It is command driven with... Gilkey, A. P,Glick, J. H 被引量: 21发表: ...
aOverall numerical simulation of extrusion blow molding process 挤压吹塑过程的整体数值仿真[translate] aFinite element analysis of blow molding and thermoforming using a dynamic explicit procedure 对吹塑和thermoforming的有限元素分析使用一个动态明确做法[translate]...
Based on the pseudo-static experimental results of 1/3reduced scale model portal frame with tapered members,a finite element analysis is made of the full-size structure to obtain the load-displacement hysteretic curves,skeleton curve and stiffness degradation curve.Simultaneously,the ductility and energ...
finiteelementanalysis 引言 2008 年汶川 MS8.0 地震发生在龙门山断裂带,使龙门山地区地震活动性研究重新受 到重视(闻学泽等, 2011 ) . 龙门山断裂带中段主要包含汶川—茂汶断裂(后山断裂)、映 秀—北川断裂(中央断裂)和灌县—江油断裂(前山断裂) . 这 3 条主干断裂自西向东近乎平 行展布,总体走向 N45°E...
Finite element modelling of the scale crane rig The 1/10 scale crane model is shown in Fig. 2. For convenience of dynamic analysis, the entire structure is divided into two parts: the stationary framework (as shown in Fig. 2(b)) and the moving substructure (as shown in Fig. 2(c))....