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4.2. α4β1 Integrin Agonists The α4β1 integrin is a key player in the homing of progenitor cells to inflammation sites and mediates cell adhesion to VCAM-1 and to the alternatively spliced segment-1 (CS1) of fibronectin. This receptor lacks an I domain, and ligand binding occurs at ...
The spread of the electric pulse beyond the channel ribs would activate the adjacent channels, thus caus- ibnegyothned Mthaetcrihgaenlnineljercitbisonwotoulldeaakctbiveaytoentdheitasdrjeascpeencttcivheancnhealnsn, ethl.uTshciasuaspinpgrothacehMuattirliizgeesl binajcekctpiornestsoulreea,kgebne...
Our data indicate that CX3CL1, present at a high level in the BM of MM patients, is a new player of the MM microenvironment involved in MM-induced angiogenesis. Keywords: multiple myeloma; angiogenesis; inflammation; CX3CL1/fractalkine; microenvironment Cancers 2019, 11, 321; doi:10.3390/...