The meaning of A FAIR SHAKE is a fair deal : fair treatment. How to use a fair shake in a sentence.
Her eyes went over him, her lids flickering.Certainly, he's no beauty, she thought coolly, and he's got very bad teeth and his breath smells bad and he's old enough to be my father.Moreover, he's nervous and timid and well meaning, and I don't know of any more damning qualities...
the meaning of true l the means of table da the mechanics analysi the mediator the membrane separati the memento the memory of bitter the men of bethel and the men of joppe also the men of steel the the menagerie the mendota bridge the mennonites the mercenaries the merry farmera sch ...
theory of meaning theory of motivated f theory of negligence theory of planning be theory of queues theory of reciprocity theory of separabilit theory of social faci theory of soil fertil theory of stational l theory of technologic theory of the allocat theory of thin shells theory paradigm theor...
When the weather goes from fair to cloudy, New Englanders say that it's "breedin' up a storm" (Maine informant in the Linguistic Atlas of New England). If the weather is clear, however, a New Englander might call it open. Southern fair off and fair up, meaning "to become clear,"...
friendsaid“Youcaninkitin”,meaningthatitwasa firmarrangementnotatentativeone! Manyofthesenewverbsarelinkedtonewtechnology.Anobviousexampleisthewordfax.Weallgot usedtosendingandreceivingfaxes,andthensoonstarted talkingaboutfaxingsomethingandpromisingwe?dfaxit immediately.Thenalongcameemail,andweweresoon allemai...
The meaning of FUN is providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment. How to use fun in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Fun. Frequently Asked Questions About fun.
(one that is Leo’s and one that is her husbands). Leo’s life is lonely and sad, as he watches his son and true love from afar. However, when he connects with a young woman named Alma, both he and Alma find some peace and meaning in their difficult and pain-stricken seasons of...
They are not meant to be literal, but rather offer an invitation to find personal meaning. Intuition tells her when each one is finished. Then she lets it go to stand on its own in the world. I sent Jane a photo of her two paintings on our living room wall and invited her to come...
Paying a Fair Share Act of 2012: Effective Tax Rates; Baseline: Current Law; Distribution by Adjusted Gross Income, 2015 Distribution of effective tax rates, by adjusted gross income level, as defined by the Paying a Fair Share Act of 2012, measured against current law. TP Center 被引量: ...