Survivor of Dust Bowl Now Battles a Fiercer DroughtNew York Times
I regret to say that my conscience has not troubled me at all about deserting you.But as for enlisting—when I think of joining the army in varnished boots and a white linen suit and armed with only a pair of dueling pistols—And those long cold miles in the snow after my boots wore ...
As we BOOM UP SLIGHTLY, we see that there is a bend in the water’s edge and that he is in fact, paddling in the crystalline blue of the Gulf. CHRIS (V.O.) I paddled south about 20 miles. 103 EXT. EL GOLFO DE SANTA CLARA 103 UNDER-WATER SHOT: We are directly UNDER the ...
WILL gives a major twitch, which in fact catapults his body onto the stage. Everybody looks at him in surprise. WILL Yes…yes…er…not quite right…it is more let me (as JULIET) "Then have my lips the sin that they have took." VIOLA AS ROMEO Sin from my lips? Oh trespass ...
I’m not certain why this is, but I have a hunch it has to do with the fact that Koh Lanta is a bit lower on the tourist radar. Maybe the locals haven’t had a chance to get tired of all of us tourists yet? Or maybe they’re all so friendly because it’s so easy to find...
as a drug as a dust as a food supplest as a foreigner as a fund investor as a global leader as a group as a grown man as a leave system as a little baby as a major area as a matter of factyo as a new career path as a normal person as a player as a positive process as ...
as a male as a man thinketh as a matter of fact m as a missionary as a multinational en as a neighbour and as as a pacifist as a performance coun as a popular art as a prelude to as a preteen as a production basis as a renowned educati as a result of bad ma as a senior peter...
The fact that I, myself, do not understand what my paintings mean while I am painting them does not imply that they are meaningless. –Salvador Dalí, Spanish surrealist artist Years ago, a man named John Filer, found this quote by Dalí, and taped it to his wife’s easel because it ...
the story goes that william tell killed the king with an arrow. word came that their team had won. (2)同位语从句的表现形式: ①由that引导 the fact that you haven’t enough time to do the work is simply unbelievable. ②由whether引导 the question whether we need more time to do the work...
S. public officials in the 1930s who took swift action, humanity may not get a chance to explore other frontiers of science in the future. From this perspective, insistence on the fact that soils are critical to life on earth, and indeed to the survival of humans, may again stimulate ...