SomeInfoclass: classSomeInfo{privateCity city;privateAge age;privateEducation education;// constructors// getters and setters} And then reference that instead of the map: @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "someotherinfo")@Getter@SetterpublicclassSomeOtherInfo{@DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = "id")pr...
drmaa - Job submission library for cluster schedulers based on the DRMAA standard. dynamolock - DynamoDB-backed distributed locking implementation. dynatomic - A library for using DynamoDB as an atomic counter. emitter-io - High performance, distributed, secure and low latency publish-subscribe pla...
Dynamo - High Performance (nearly)100% Swift Web server supporting dynamic content. Redis - Pure-Swift Redis client implemented from the original protocol spec. macOS + Linux compatible. NetworkObjects - Swift backend / server framework (Pure Swift, Supports Linux). - Evented I/O stream...
Dynamo - High Performance (nearly)100% Swift Web server supporting dynamic content. Redis - Pure-Swift Redis client implemented from the original protocol spec. macOS + Linux compatible. NetworkObjects - Swift backend / server framework (Pure Swift, Supports Linux). - Evented I/O stream...
dynamo - A simple key-value abstraction to store algebraic and linked-data data types at AWS storage services: AWS DynamoDB and AWS S3. go-transaction-manager - Transaction manager with multiple adapters (sql, sqlx, gorm, mongo, ...) controls transaction boundaries. gokv - Simple key-value...
Dynamo InfraWorks Arnold “Wow, this workstation is just way too fast for me.”—No one. Ever.Working with today’s leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D visualization tools presents a special challenge to your IT infrastructure. Wrestling with the computational demand...
The WebSocket triggers anAWS Lambdafunction, which creates a record inAmazon DynamoDB. The record is a key-value mapping of the job ID (WebSocket) with the connection ID and message ID. Another Lambda function gets triggered with a new message in the SQS queue. Th...
DynamoDb-GUI-Client: Cross-platform GUI client for DynamoDb RosterWebApp - Open source rostering web application which allows the rostering of employees/teams to work sessions and other features. Vue E-Store Templet - An e-commerce template build with vue/vuex/vue-router and bootstrap4. Twill...
The FeO concentration at the top of the core increases with time in our model and so it is possible that FeO could precipitate below the CMB at some stage in the core's history. However, FeO precipitation may not release significant gravitational energy for powering the dynamo because the ...
When writing styles, I use CSS-in-JS (primarily using Emotion library). The Desktop app development involves also Electron, but the overall process is the same. That is the reason why it is easy to convert my solutions to distribute as a desktop app. When creating mobile apps, I use ...