The felsic rocks occur mainly on the edges of the SAIC. In contrast, the mafic rocks are concentrated in the center of the intrusion, which gives the SAIC a geomorphological feature called inversely zoned relief, where the edges of the intrusion are higher than its scepter [45]. The SAIC ...
To sum up, the production of liquid and gaseous by-products from the pyrolysis of polystyrene relies mainly on the reaction conditions. Catalytic pyrolysis using suitable catalysts can sway the yielded products and their distribution, in addition to the reduced reaction temperature. This advantage ...
Therefore, appropriate signal processing techniques are required to extract rotor speed and position information World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 34 motors' own structural convex pole or saturated convex pole effect to produce a high- frequency current response. This current response contains both ...
As shown in the theoretical analysis in Section 3.1, in the MRSVD decomposition results of a mixed-signal that contains strong background noise, harmonic disturbances, and a periodic shock vibration, the first detail signal is mainly composed of noise, and the last approximate signal is mainly ...