exploring the 1980s friendship between a young trans woman and a teen who will grow into a trans man, as he looks back on his youth from 2019, where he grapples with middle-age, the death of his mother, and the troubles of his right-wing sister amidst his own gender-related scandal,...
Amidst the ambiance of Ivy Tree Inn, where she's been dispatched as a writer for Ladies’ Lifestyle Magazine, her focus wavers as she grapples with an interview assignment concerning a Hollywood starlet on the cusp of royal matrimony—an event hailed as the "Wedding of the Century." While...
“Michael Goldberg reminds us of the difficulties of remaining true to our own visions amidst the powerful exigencies of young adulthood. He paints crazy intimate portraits of the excesses and eccentricities of the sexual revolution. And he speaks to us in the voice and language of the brave mi...
Acclaimed literary essayist T Kira Madden’s raw and redemptive debut memoir is about coming of age and reckoning with desire as a queer, biracial teenager amidst the fierce contradictions of Boca Raton, Florida, a place where she found cult-like privilege, shocking racial disparities, rampant ...
Amidst the ever-darkening sky, she begins to make out fresh smoke plumes ahead, on the other side of the traffic jam. She curses. Her feet tap in panic as she reverses the car and accelerates down the coastal road. “Are we going back home?” asks Leo, his voice cracking from fear....
I loved following Farley and Meyer, amidst the backdrop of Farley being an up-and-coming stand-up comedian. It was funny and steamy, and I will have a review sharing all my thoughts up in a few weeks. 21. Kamisama Kiss by Julietta Suzuki (Manga series). I knew very little going...
Exulting, she shook it back and forth in her mouth, scattering the warm red droplets amidst the cold black rain. TYRION He woke to the creak of old iron hinges. “Who?” he croaked. At least he had his voice back, raw and hoarse though it was. The fever was still on him, ...
Amidst the lovingly recreated beehive hairdos and silly fad dances, the vile Von Tussle (played with gleeful nastiness by Colleen Fitzpatrick, aka pop star Vitamin C) revels in her society’s every institutionalized privilege. Sabotaging the indefatigable Tracy’s attempts to allow her Black ...
He’d already grabbed everyone’s attention early that year with his band The Experience’s debutAre You Experienced. So the second album seemed the ideal vessel for a message.Axiswas recorded in fits and starts amidst a hectic tour schedule that included over 180 international dates (including...
Forbidden Flames @: Amidst the Chaos by: Naughty Polecat - Forbidden Flames 2: Amidst the Chaos Our little unit of Silent Unseen had been very busy. For two months, we trained on small unit tactics, ambush and counter ambush, urban combat, room clearing, covert surveillance, and a lot of...