Paximadis M,Dusterward G.Preliminary investigation of the causal agent(s) of a disease causing leaf curl of tobacco inSouth Africa. Plant Pathology . 1997Paximadis M,Dusterward G. Preliminary investigation of the causal agent(s) of a disease causing leaf curl of tobacco in South Africa[J]....
Recognized as the causal agent of net blotch,Drechslera teresis responsible for major losses of barley crop yield. The consequences of this leaf disease are due to the impact of the infection on the photosynthetic performance of barley leaves. To limit the symptoms of this ascomycete, the use o...
Briefly, the first step was to direct the accumulation of an imaging/pretargeting agent at the disease site. Then, the second step was to deliver the therapeutic agent to the diseased tissue by interacting with the pretargeting agent [[10], [11], [12]]. For instance, radiolabeled ...
China has a long and tragic history with parasitic worms. Human hookworm disease and anemia was a major barrier to China’s economic development, as was schistosomiasis, which some scholars say thwarted Chairman Mao’s ambition to launch an amphibious assault on Taiwan following the Communist takeo...
5 During her second week control in Chinauta, she was instructed to stop using this agent due to closure of the wound. The patient was followed-up for three weeks; she showed reduction in swelling of the affected area in the first week and remission of the furuncle in the second week....
[5]; 2) case and contact management; 3) providing education to prevent further transmission of disease; 4) determining the source, or possible sources if the definitive source is not identified, of the disease-causing agent; and 5) identifying potential outbreaks through linking cases who share...
Vaccination is one of the most commonly used public health strategies to reduce the risk of infection and minimize the prevalence of the disease-causing agent (HPV) in the environment. Nearly all cases (99.7 %) of cervical cancer are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) [21], particularly typ...
S. mansoni, like other members of the schistosoma genus of fluke worms, is a causative agent of the debilitating disease schistosomiasis (or bilharzia). Estimates suggest that over 200 million people worldwide are infected3,4. Indeed, the annual mortality rate for this disease is thought to be...
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously referred to as 2019-nCoV, is the virus responsible for causing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) [[3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]. The pandemic traces its early beginnings to the report of a cluster of 27 ...
5(e)). Figure 5(f) illustrates that echinacoside or verbascoside treatment, as a single agent, causing a decrease of the iNOS and COX-2 expression. Moreover, as expected, treatment with echinacoside in combination with verbascoside at the concentration of 150 μM resulted in a more ...