The human immune system is composed of a distributed network of cells circulating throughout the body, which must dynamically form physical associations and communicate using interactions between their cell-surface proteomes1. Despite their therapeutic p
a Venn diagram of potential CAF-to-TAM ligands shared between breast cancer patient tumors14 and 4T1 tumors in mice16 based on the NicheNet ligand-receptor tool. b Heatmap representation of the expression of the 77 shared ligands from (a) in fibroblasts from the in vitro cell-circuit, based...
aMore commonly, the surfaces of a cellular membrane are designated as the cytosolic faceand the exoplasmic face.This nomenclature is useful in highlighting the topological equivalence of the faces in different membranes, as diagrammed in Figure 5-4. For example, the exoplasmic face of the plasma...
Consult any cell diagram, and no matter what organism the cell belongs to, you are assured of seeing certain features. These include aplasma membrane, which encloses the cellular contents; thecytoplasm, which is a jelly-like medium forming most of the cell's interior; deoxyribonucleic acid (DN...
These hypotheses may also be visualized in Figure 4, which is a schematic diagram of the Cellular Stress Network model with the hypotheses predicted in each of the four cellular stress data sets identified by colored halos around the hypothesis node. The Cellular Stress Network accompanies this ...
A diagram showing the key processes of cholesterol metabolism has been shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. (A) Cholesterol synthesis. (B) Transport of cholesterol between the liver and peripheral tissues. (C) Uptake of cholesterol by intestinal epithelial cell. However, it should be emphasized that ...
Figure 5 denotes the schematic diagram of various types of pharmaceutical nanosystems. Figure 5. Schematic diagram of various types of pharmaceutical nanosystems. 4.2. Nanostructured Materials Uptake by the Human Body In the form of future medication, NT in the human body is a game-changing ...
A. P. F. AtmanJ. G. MoreiraR. DickmanA.P.F. ATMAN, R. DICKMAN, J.G. MOREIRA, Phase diagram of a probabilistic cellular automaton with three-site interactions, submetido ao PHYS REV E (2002)..
a A schematic diagram displaying the artificial division of the three compartments (cortex, medulla, and pelvis regions) of the kidney based on histomorphology. t-SNE shows the cell types identified with all the single cells, and colors indicate the 15 spatial clustering assignments; b Multimodal...
a Structure diagram of the MS2-aptamer containing tetraloop in the 2.0 sgRNA format13 (left) or an optimized tetraloop structure (right and Supplementary Fig. 3). The optimized GNE-3 tetraloop contains an additional stem extension and removal of a polyU tract21. In addition, the bulge region...