bifida,adevelopmentalbirthdefect(缺陷)thatmadehimevenunabletositindependently. Oneday,whenhewaseight,hisfriendsencouragedhimtorolldownashallowramp(斜坡). Itwasascaryfirstride.Aaroncrashedhishands,buthewasattracted.Sixmonthslater,after endlesshardtryingandtraining,heaccomplishedhisfirsttrick—liftinguponeofthebac...
because it has occurred so gradually, and over the course of a great many centuries; this points to an internal defect, a secret, hidden poison, a decline afflicting the human race. pp
In addition, the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill of 2017 proposed a provision for the recall of vehicles, even when a defect has been reported by a testing agency. This provision aims to subtly make the testing agency a powerful institution to maintain pollution control so that the emission ...
as busy as a fly with as cannon as college as completed drawing as creation as credit management as dear as can be as dear children as demonstrated here as described in tang as difficult to balan as dilettante as dumb as a fish as each day passes as easy as pie as eas as economic co...
as contemporary young as contributive perso as dead as the dodo as delivery as described here as drilling technique as easter draws near as easy as a pie abc as eternal as everlasting as the as facebook as far as be cared as far as i knowas fa as far as the coast as fifth as i...
To acquire or promote the lease as dictated by the SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 Create Context, a subsequent object store call is invoked as described in. [MS-FSA] section Server Requests an Oplock. The Open parameter passed is the Open result from the above operation, and the ...
To further evaluate the applicability of the piezoelectric hydrogels for bone repair, we prepared a rat skull defect model according to a previously described method [18]. The hydrogels (CG, CG/PHA, and CG/PHA/5%PBT piezoelectric hydrogels) were implanted in the defect sites. The rats that ...
In-situ irradiation transmission electron microscopy (TEM) offers unique insights into the millisecond-timescale post-cascade process, such as the lifetime and thermal stability of defect clusters, vital to the mechanistic understanding of irradiation da
and a day wed live as and a drug to grow on and a football phone and a football star and a fountain weepin and a fur and a diamo and a great sign was and a little last nig and a miracle and a new grille and a smile can hide and a voice came out and a warm smile have and...
Even defect size is not the sole parameter to characterize a bone defect as critical [51], it has been found that in most species a length exceeding 2–2.5 times the diameter of the affected bone can be considered the minimum size [35], [52], [53]. The non-union caused by such ...