A decade of DNA-hybrid catalysis: from innovation to comprehensionNicolas Duchemin aIsabelle Heath-Apostolopoulos aMichael Smietana bStellios Arseniyadis a
Brandon Parry Rachel Moss Katarzyna Smietana Michelle Suhendra Productivity in biopharmaceutical R&D has slumped for a decade or more. We propose a recipe for sustainable, value-creating innovation, even in the face of strengthening industry headwinds.(...
some American states, as well as the ability to interact with American surrogates in English, gave those men a sense of reassurance which, as they said, may have been more difficult to get elsewhere (for more details about the choice of the surrogacy destination country see: Smietana, 2017b...
physiologically relevant brain-on-a-chip devices and their future progress. Key points Brain-on-a-chip devices allow culturing and monitoring of highly complex models of the blood–brain barrier and brain parenchyma. A wide range of approaches for in vitro brain modelling, such as bioprinting and...
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On high-stakes, high-interest issues like border policy, journalists of all views may be tempted to distort the facts or even biblical truth. Christians should hold to a higher standard. When a Church Breaks Yi Ning Chiu My congregation fought and disbanded. Was it all a w...
Duchemin, N.; Heath-Apostolopoulos, I.; Smietana, M.; Arseniyadis, S. A decade of DNA-hybrid catalysis: From innovation to comprehension. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2017, 15, 7072–7087. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Madsen, M.; Gothelf, K.V. Chemistries for DNA nanotechnology. Che...
We expect that the application of fiber-based sensors will grow exponentially throughout the next decade. Initially, optical humidity sensors will satisfy specific unfulfilled applications in the chemical industry, where humidity control would be beneficial but present electronic sensors cannot satisfy the...
Fundamentals of Lossy Mode Resonances (LMR) A decade ago, the first LMR sensor was published [25]. Since this work, multiple papers have showed the potential of this type of sensor [26], measuring refractive index of the medium [27], humidity [28], pH [29], chemical compounds [30], ...