Or you may be daydreamin for a thousand years 或者一梦一千年 What a day for a daydream (重复)Custom made for a daydreamin’ boy And now I’m lost in a daydream Dreamin about my bundle of joy
What a day for a daydream What a day for a daydreamin' boy And I’m lost in a daydream Dreamin about my bundle of joy And even if time ain’t really on my side It’s one of those days for takin' a walk outside I’m blowin’ the day to take a walk in the su...
I was changing in the locker room after play and a fellow golfer was singing that happy song ‘What a Day for a Daydream’ to himself. It kind of summed up the feeling of the day for all those invited to play in Paul McGinley’s recent press day at Donegal Golf Club. I arrived ...
『💫每日作业💫』 Waiting for a daydream. 等待一场白日梦。 🌙P1字体:brush;P2字体:Moderngothic;P3字体:Italic 🌙手写作者:P1@FloraAndSidetracks;P2@是二楼 ;P3 @辣椒书写168
daydream的意思是白日梦。双语例句如下:1.Do you work hard for success rather than daydream about it?你是否付出艰苦努力以取得成功,而不是只在那里做白日梦?2.The idea for the story came to him in a daydream.这个故事的念头是他做白日梦的时候突然想到的。3.She stared out of the ...
Itwasanetherworldthatonlytwohoursearlierhadbeenadaydreamintheman'simagination. 两个小时之前,它还只不过是这个男人头脑中幻想出的地狱世界。 dongxi.net 3. NowitwasadaydreamcirculatingonapairofSiliconGraphicscomputers. 而现在,它是一个在两台硅谷图形公司[1]的计算机上循环流传的梦幻仙境。
daydream "daydream" 可作名词或动词。作动词讲是“做白日梦”的意思,作名词讲就是我们常说的“白日梦”,这个白日梦即是指不切实际的“空想;幻想”。 "He told me that he would be rich some day, but I knew it s just his daydream." 他告诉我他有一天会发财的,但我知道那只是他的白日梦。 wild...