A myth suggests that daddy long legs are the most venomous spiders on the planet, but apart from the lack of scientific studies to prove it, it is also unlikely. Daddy long legs poisonous venom glands hold venom, but these are not strong enough to cause any harm or damage. As such, da...
These spiders may not be big, but, as their name implies, they have long legs. Daddy longlegs are one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. Luckily, their fangs are too short to harm people. However, their eight legs aren’t short: While the spider’s body measures 2-10 mm l...
Indeed, pholcid spiders do have a short fang structure (called uncate due to its "hooked" shape). ... The legend may result from the fact that the daddy long-legs spiderpreys upon deadly venomous spiders, such as the redback, a member of the black widow genus Latrodectus. Do Daddy Lo...
“Hey, spiders are our friends, they eat any other bugs that may be around.” It makes no difference. They come back with some nonsense like, “Did you know that daddy long legs are very poisonous, their
The night the police took her from the Boise motel she turned into a poisonous butterfly, freeing it from the gut cage she’d built after the massacre when she was on the road with her uncle, and he promised her the moon with his hand between her legs. The butterfly would repel the...
You and Daddy had all of those recordings saved on the DVR. The thing was so full that I kept getting error messages and I couldn’t record anything else. I clicked on the first match, just thinking I’d watch for a minute or two, but I got so sucked in. The first night, I ...
“Daddy? I’m a girl.” The father immediately told her she was wrong and, before she could say anything, he grabbed her full glass of water and ice then upended it on her side plate. She looked at him with absolute confusion then asked, “But why?” Tears stained her cheeks as he...
They have very long legs and are soft to the touch. They flourish on those trees which produce amber, and feed upon the fruit of the same. And the Indians hunt them and crush them and with their bodies dye their crimson cloaks, their tunics beneath, and everything else...
One is to record the species, numbers and locations of the three British cellar spiders –the very common Daddy-long-legs Spider Pholcus phalangioides, the much less common Wine Cellar Spider Psilochorus simoni and the rare Marbled Cellar Spider Holocnemus pluchei. The second, newly launched...
This was her dog – the one who had been there long before I ever came into her life. Jackie gave me her hand in marriage, but it came with a dog named “Lilo.” I would have had it no other way. We always hoped Lilo would just fall asleep and not wake up, but that wasn’...