遇到错误提示“A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine”时,这通常意味着你的电脑上的GPU(图形处理单元)不支持DirectX 11的Feature Level 11.0和Shader Model 5.0,或者当前的驱动配置不正确。以下是针对此问题的分点解答: 1. 确认GPU是否支持D3D11特性等级...
A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine. 消息:运行引擎需要兼容D3D11的GPU(功能级别11.0,着色器模型5.0)。 一、更新或修复DirectX 可手动或第三方工具修复、或者去微软官方,瓦罗兰所 下DirectX ...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据你提供的提示信息“A D3D11-compatible GPU (feature level 11.0, Shader Modes 5.0) is required to run the engine”,这表示你的计算机需要一个与DirectX 11兼容的GPU(图形处理器),并且该GPU的功能级别应该是11.0,着色器模式应为5.0才能运行这个引擎。
无畏契约。A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine. 专业修复游戏异常、WIFI问题 #D3D - WIFI工程师←主页于20241112发布在抖音,已经收获了6个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
【优客优源远程解决】国服无畏契约提示报错A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is requiredto run the engine.#无畏契约d3d - 优客优源于20241117发布在抖音,已经收获了2670个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
It gives me the error "A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine." I've downloaded and redownloaded the Visual C++ and DirectX many times, My Windows is updated to the latest version, all the latest drivers are installed, and...
玩黑神话悟空GPU报错怎么办?A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, shader Model 5.0)猫meme本初的老友阿瞒 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3025 0 00:10 App 黑猴儿间歇性爆d3d12的错,换了好几个驱动都解决不了,各种办法都试了没招了 2.1万 3 00:44 App D3D11兼容GDU怎么...
打开游戏报错 A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model S.0j the engine ...
To start i have a D3D11 compatible GPU (GTX 1660), i am up to date on windows 10 20H2, i have the latest nvidia driver installed, i have the all the c++ redistributables downloaded on my pc and the dx12 runtime installed aswell. And i am still getting…
无畏契约。A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level11.0,Shader Model 5.0) is 专业修复调试 #无畏契约#d3d - WIFI【工程师】于20241209发布在抖音,已经收获了7个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!